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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 21 records


1. Love under the Festival Lanterns (1959)
2. The Romantic Scatterbrain (1959)
3. Sad Tale of the Lotus Flower (1958)
4. Substituting a Racoon for the Crown Prince (1958)
5. The Tragedy of Han Palace (1958)
6. Love and Hate in Jianghu (1958)
7. Two Immortals at the Pavilion of the Moon (1958)
8. Sin-ku's Six Crossings (1957)
9. The Fairies (1957)
10. The Big Battle (1957)
11. Second Bloom (1957)
12. Her Envious Beauty (1956)
13. How Hung Ming Thrice Defeated Chow Yu (1956)
14. Lui Mung-ching Prays to the Stove God (1956)
15. King Oh Assassinates the King of Qin (1956)
16. How Leung Hung-yuk's War Drum Caused the Jin (1956)
17. Bloodshed in the Cho Palace (1956)
18. A King's Revenge (1955)
19. Mang Lai-kwan and the Amorous Emperor (1955)
20. Is Parents' Love Ever Rewarded? (1955)
21. Incident in the Turtle Mountain (1955)

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