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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 96 records


1. Temptation Of Dance (1985)
2. Love With The Ghost In Lushan (1984)
3. Circumscribing Around Dunhuang (1984)
4. Cut-Thoat Struggle For An Invaluable Treasure (1982)
5. Father and Son (1981)
6. The Warrant Of Assassination (1980)
7. A Strange Tale of the Strange People (1979)
8. The Young Illusionist (1979)
9. The Stranger (1979)
10. Mistress Xiang Lin (1978)
11. Conspicuous Figures (1977)
12. Chu Yuan (1977)
13. Mud Child (1976)
14. Inside the Football Circle (1974)
15. The Flaming Bulwark of Miao (1973)
16. The Sisters (1973)
17. Three Seventeens (1972)
18. The Boat (1972)
19. The Missing Girl (1970)
20. Storm Petrel (1970)
21. Adventure in Paradise (1970)
22. Collegian (1970)
23. Destiny of Love (1969)
24. The Heroic New Generation (1969)
25. Three in One (1969)
26. The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)
27. The Bold Ones (1968)
28. The Weekend Adventures (1968)
29. I Have Come Again (1968)
30. The Battle of Sha Chia Bund (1968)
31. The Fair Ladies (1967)
32. Operation Child Hunt (1967)
33. Adventures of a Scholar (1967)
34. It's Spring Again (1967)
35. The Painted Skin (1966)
36. The Cricket and the King (1966)
37. We Are Not Married (1966)
38. The Adventures of "I Have Come" aka I-Have-Come (1966)
39. That Certain Age (1966)
40. The Genius (1966)
41. The Chameleon (1965)
42. October Bride (1965)
43. The Forest Riders (1965)
44. Garden of Repose (1964)
45. The Reluctant Bridegroom (1964)
46. Hsu Hsueh Mei (1964)
47. Garden of Repose (1964)
48. Three Men and a Girl (1963)
49. Sophisticated (1963)
50. Drought in Hong Kong (1963)
51. Fairies (1963)
52. The Four Daughters (1963)
53. Relatives on Honeymoon (1963)
54. The Girl From Phnom Penh (1963)
55. Romance Across the Window (1962)
56. Double Twins (1962)
57. Let's Get Married (1962)
58. Extortion (1961)
59. Death aka Vote for Death (1961)
60. Ah, It's Spring (1961)
61. A Teenage Girl (1960)
62. Alarm Conscious (1960)
63. Wu Ku Niang (1960)
64. Wild Rose (1959)
65. Sweet as Honey (1959)
66. The Three Pearls (1959)
67. The Precious Little Moon (1959)
68. Fantasy of Youth (1959)
69. An Unfulfilled Wish (1959)
70. The Beggarly Girl (1959)
71. First Love (1958)
72. Tonight and Every Night (1958)
73. An Unmarried Mother (1958)
74. The Living Corpse (1958)
75. Between Husband and Wife (1958)
76. She Catches the Murderer (1958)
77. Husband Hunters (1958)
78. His Fabulous Wife (1957)
79. Troubles with the Bachelors (1957)
80. Snow Lily (1957)
81. Mama Sings a Song (1957)
82. The Eternal Beauty aka The Chivalrous Songstress (1957)
83. Peacock aka To Marry or Not to (1956)
84. They All Want a Baby (1956)
85. The Foolish Heart aka The Lonely Heart (1956)
86. Outcry of the Ghost (1956)
87. Love at First Sight (1955)
88. Full House (1955)
89. Year In, Year Out (1955)
90. Festival Moon (1953)
91. Keep Your Chin Up (1953)
92. White Lotus, the Heroine (1952)
93. Debt of Love (1951)
94. The Seventh Stranger (1951)
95. Lucky Husband (1950)
96. The Idiot Pays Respects (1935)

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