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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 23 records


1. Title in pinyin: di1 fang2 xiao3 niu1 (1982)
2. The Gambler's Duel (1981)
3. Title in pinyin: bao4 zha4 de ai4 qing2 (1978)
4. The Begging Swordman (1970)
5. Luring the Girls On (1959)
6. Happy Lovers (1959)
7. The Filial Wife Moved the Mother-in-Law (1959)
8. The Fairy of Ninth Heaven (1959)
9. Prince of Thieves (1958)
10. The Lucky Star of the Golden Palace (1958)
11. Prince of Thieves, the Sequel) (1958)
12. Two Sisters-in-Law (1958)
13. How Sit Yan-kwai Thrice Tricked Lau Kam-fa (1957)
14. The Sign of Wealth (1957)
15. Happy Reunion (1957)
16. The Tiger Tally (1957)
17. Beauty's Head is Misplaced (1957)
18. The Oil Vendor Wins a Pretty Bride (1950)
19. Title in pinyin: jin1 yu4 man3 tang2 (1942)
20. Title in pinyin: san1 xiao4 (1940)
21. Tale of the West Chamber (1940)
22. Title in pinyin: meng4 jiang1 nu:3 (1939)
23. The Story of Tung Siu-yuen (1939)

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