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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 27 records


1. North and South aka North Meets (1964)
2. Childless Wife (1964)
3. Bedside Horror (1963)
4. Case of Murder aka The Scarlet Hand (1961)
5. Revenge for Parents (1961)
6. An Orphan Was Born in Thunderstorm (1960)
7. The Fairy Shepherdess (1958)
8. How Wong Feihung Smashed the Flying Dagger Gang (1957)
9. How Wong Feihung Fought a Bloody Battle in the Spinster's Ho (1957)
10. An Orphan Raised on Love (1957)
11. How Wong Feihung Set Fire to Dashatou (1956)
12. hung Pitted Seven Lions against the (1956)
13. Nocturnal Mourning for White Lotus (1956)
14. Wong Fei-hung's Story: Iron Cock against Centipede (1956)
15. The Result of Vanity (1956)
16. hung Vanquished the Bully at the Red (1956)
17. Judge Bao's Night Trial of Guo Huai (1956)
18. The Eternal Peony (1955)
19. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (1955)
20. Wong Fei-hung's Victory at the Sipai Lou (1955)
21. When Beauty Fades from the Twelve Ladies' Tower (1954)
22. A Phoenix in Springtime (1954)
23. Spring's Abundance (1954)
24. Life (1954)
25. Her Difficult Life (1954)
26. Three Blessings (1953)
27. The Ghostly Wife (1953)

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