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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 37 records


1. Iron Fists (1979)
2. Poison Rose and the Bodyguard (1979)
3. Laugh in the Sleeve (1975)
4. The Lucky Seven (1970)
5. Lucky Seven Strike Again (1970)
6. Happy Time (1970)
7. Title in pinyin: ge3 huan1 ge1 wu3 qing4 hua2 nian2 (1969)
8. A House Filled with Happiness (1968)
9. Happy Years (1967)
10. The Flying Killer (1967)
11. Lady in Distress: The Invincible Fighter (1967)
12. A Spring Celebration of the Swallows' Return (1966)
13. The Lonely Woman (1966)
14. Love Burst (1966)
15. Lady Bond (1966)
16. Return of Lady Bond (1966)
17. Home Sweet Home (1965)
18. Home At Last (1965)
19. Poor Daughter-in-law (1965)
20. A Celebration of Spring (1964)
21. Two Orphans (1964)
22. A New, Improved Lady (1964)
23. Triumphal Celebrations (1963)
24. Funny Thief (1963)
25. The Quarrelsome Lovers (1963)
26. Flowers Forever Blossoming, Moon Forever Full (1962)
27. Love in the Pearl Chamber (1962)
28. An Act of Righteousness, Part One (1962)
29. An Act of Righteousness, Part Two (1962)
30. Till Death Do We Part (Opera) (1962)
31. An Ideal Couple (1961)
32. Hypocrite (1961)
33. Witness for the Prosecution (1961)
34. The Princess and Foh Wah (1960)
35. The Story of Lady Big Tao (1960)
36. Romantic Music, Part One (1960)
37. Romantic Music, Part Two (1960)

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