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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 21 records


1. Title in pinyin: bao4 gao4 ban1 chang2 si4 fu2 xiao3 chu1 ji1 (1996)
2. Title in pinyin: da4 tou2 bing1 shang4 zhan4 chang3 - za2 pai2 jun1 (1991)
3. Title in pinyin: gui3 chu1 jia4 (1990)
4. Title in pinyin: feng4 huang2 wang2 zi3 (1989)
5. It's a Mad Mad Prison (1988)
6. Title not available (1988)
7. Title in pinyin: er4 shou3 huo4 (1986)
8. The Campus Incident (1986)
9. Jyan Ying Bridge (1985)

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