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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 41 records


1. Title not available (1979)
2. Title not available (1975)
3. Title not available (1971)
4. Title not available (1971)
5. Title not available (1968)
6. Title in pinyin: tie3 xie3 huo3 long2 ling2 (1967)
7. Title not available (1967)
8. Title not available (1966)
9. Title not available (1966)
10. Title not available (1966)
11. Title not available (1966)
12. Title not available (1966)
13. Title not available (1965)
14. Title not available (1964)
15. Title not available (1961)
16. The Shoeshine Boy (1959)
17. Twin Girls (1958)
18. Watching Home Town (1958)
19. The Three Sisters (1957)
20. Halfway Down (1957)
21. Love and Crime (1957)
22. Life with Grandma (1957)
23. Title not available (1957)
24. The Long Lane (1956)
25. The Story of a Fur Coat (1956)
26. Title in pinyin: xiao3 feng4 xian1 xu4 ji (1955)
27. The Heroine (1955)
28. Tradition (1955)
29. Little Pheonix, The (1953)


1. Title not available (1962)
2. Title not available (1961)
3. Title not available (1957)

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