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Chinese Movie Database 


Total 40 records


1. The Bloody Paper Man (1964)
2. The House of Murders (1963)
3. God of Wealth aka The Fairy (1962)
4. Vampire Woman (1962)
5. Long Live the Money aka Long Live Money (1961)
6. Humanity (1960)
7. The Cruel Hand (1960)
8. Wonderful Partners (1960)
9. Money (1959)
10. The Cruel Husband (1959)
11. Human Relationships (1959)
12. Adultery (1958)
13. The Fifth Anniversary Evening Show of The Union (1958)
14. The Tormented Beauty (1958)
15. The Precious Lotus Lamp, Part Three (1958)
16. Murderer in Town (1958)
17. Autumn Comes to Crape Myrtle Garden (1958)
18. A Borrowed Bride (1958)
19. The Precious Lotus Lamp, the Sequel (1957)
20. The Water Margin: Booty Captured (1957)
21. Blood Money (1957)
22. The Wall (1956)
23. A Beautiful Corpse Comes to Life (1956)
24. An Orphan's Tragedy (1955)
25. Love, Part One (1955)
26. Love, the Sequel (1955)
27. The More the Merrier (1955)
28. Eternal Love (1955)
29. The 1st Anniversary of The Union Film Enterprise Ltd (1954)
30. Big Thunderstorm (1954)
31. Sworn Sisters (1954)
32. Spring (1953)
33. The Sisters' Tragic Love (1953)
34. Two Heroic Rivals (1953)
35. A Home of a Million Gold (1953)
36. In the Face of Demolition (1953)
37. Title in pinyin: wan4 shi4 liu2 fang1 (1943)
38. Daughter of the Fisherman (1943)
39. Title in pinyin: xiao3 jie3 de5 bi4 mi4 (1942)


1. Cold Nights (1955)

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