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Chinese Movie Database 

1954 Film List (Yearly film list)

Documentary/Newsreel 7 (7)

Others: Feature Film 172 (173) Short 0 Animation 0
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 The 1st Anniversary of The Union Film Enterprise Ltd (1954)中联公司一周年纪念特辑中聯公司一周年紀念特輯Hong Kong
2 Grand Opening of Kwan Tak-hing's Medical Establishment (1954)关德兴药局开幕红伶红星剪彩特辑關德興藥局開幕紅伶紅星剪綵特輯Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong Beauty Contest of 1954 (1954)1954香港区世界小姐选美特辑1954香港區世界小姐選美特輯Hong Kong
4 Hong Kong Filmmakers' Charity Show for Relief (1954)香港电影工作者赈灾义演特辑香港電影工作者賑災義演特輯Hong Kong
5 Martial Arts Contest between Ng Kung-yi and Chan Hak-fu in M (1954)吴公仪, 陈克夫澳门比武特辑吳公儀, 陳克夫澳門比武特輯Hong Kong
6 Newsreel on the Restricted Areas of Twelve Hong Kong Reservo (1954)香港十二个水塘禁区新闻片香港十二個水塘禁區新聞片Hong Kong
7 Performance by Ng Kung-yi and Chan Hak-fu-Cum Musical (1954)克夫国术合演暨红伶歌唱大集会纪克夫國術合演暨紅伶歌唱大集會紀Hong Kong

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