Title | Chinese Title (sp) | Chinese Title (td) | Region | ||
151 | Sing Her a Love Song (1955) | 龙虎笙歌戏凤凰 | 龍虎笙歌戲鳳凰 | Hong Kong | |
152 | Sisters' Heart (1955) | 姊妹心 | 姊妹心 | Hong Kong | |
153 | Sisters-in-Laws' Love (1955) | 姑嫂情深 | 姑嫂情深 | Hong Kong | |
154 | The Sly Woman (1955) | 狡妇疴鞋 | 狡婦疴鞋 | Hong Kong | |
155 | Snow White and the Seven Fellows (1955) | 雪姑七友 | 雪姑七友 | Hong Kong | |
156 | Song Jingshi (1955) | 宋景诗 | 宋景詩 | Mainland China | |
157 | Spanking the Princess (1955) | 醉打金枝 | 醉打金枝 | Hong Kong | |
158 | Splitting the Magic Herb (1955) | 拗碎灵芝 | 抝碎靈芝 | Hong Kong | |
159 | Stealing the Beauty's Corpse at Night (1955) | 夜盗美人尸 | 夜盜美人屍 | Hong Kong | |
160 | Stormed the Pagoda of Pomegranate Flowers (1955) | 关东四侠血战榴花塔 | 關東四俠血戰榴花塔 | Hong Kong | |
161 | The Story of Chung Mo-yim (1955) | 钟无艳 | 鍾無艷 | Hong Kong | |
162 | The Story of Fong Sai-yuk and Wu Wai-kin (1955) | 方世玉与胡惠乾 | 方世玉與胡惠乾 | Hong Kong | |
163 | Story of Hong Mei (1955) | 万恶以淫为首 | 萬惡以淫為首 | Hong Kong | |
164 | The Story of Iron Monkey, the Concluding Episode (1955) | 铁马骝别传(大结局) | 鐵馬騮別傳(大結局) | Hong Kong | |
165 | The Story of Iron Monkey, the Sequel (1955) | 铁马骝别传(续集) | 鐵馬騮別傳(續集) | Hong Kong | |
166 | The Story of Kam Fung-chi and Fourth Madam Lui (1955) | 甘凤池与吕四娘 | 甘鳳池與呂四娘 | Hong Kong | |
167 | The Story of Lun Man-chui and Lee Chun-fa (1955) | 伦文叙与李春花 | 倫文敘與李春花 | Hong Kong | |
168 | The Story of Sit Ping-kwai and Wong Bo-chuen (1955) | 薛平贵与王宝钏 | 薛平貴與王寶釧 | Hong Kong | |
169 | The Story of Wang Jinlong (1955) | 王金龙 | 王金龍 | Hong Kong | |
170 | The Strange Case of Three Wives (1955) | 三妻奇案 | 三妻奇案 | Hong Kong | |
171 | Strange Tale at Midnight (1955) | 半夜奇谈 | 半夜奇談 | Hong Kong | |
172 | The Sun and the Moon Shine Again (1955) | 日月重光 | 日月重光 | Hong Kong | |
173 | Sweet Dreams (1955) | 花都绮梦 | 花都綺夢 | Hong Kong | |
174 | A Teacher's Reward (1955) | 桃李满天下 | 桃李滿天下 | Hong Kong | |
175 | Teenage Romance (1955) | 情窦初开 | 情竇初開 | Hong Kong | |
176 | Tess (1955) | 黛丝姑娘 | 黛絲姑娘 | Hong Kong | |
177 | Three Stages of Love (1955) | 爱情三部曲 | 愛情三部曲 | Hong Kong | |
178 | The Three Trials of Yuk Tong Chun (1955) | 三审玉堂春 | 三審玉堂春 | Hong Kong | |
179 | Till Death Do Us Part (1955) | 春蚕到死丝方尽 | 春蠶到死絲方盡 | Hong Kong | |
180 | Tokyo Interlude (1955) | 樱都艳迹 | 櫻都艶跡 | Hong Kong | |
181 | Tradegy of Vendetta (1955) | 同林鸟 | 同林鳥 | Hong Kong | |
182 | Tradition (1955) | 传统 | 傳統 | Hong Kong | |
183 | Tragedy on the Hill of the Waiting Wife (1955) | 魂断望夫山 | 魂斷望夫山 | Hong Kong | |
184 | The True Story of Siu Yuet-pak, Part One (1955) | 萧月白正传(上集) | 蕭月白正傳(上集) | Hong Kong | |
185 | The True Story of Siu Yuet-pak, Part Two (1955) | 萧月白正传(下集大结局) | 蕭月白正傳(下集大結局) | Hong Kong | |
186 | The True Story of Wong Fei-hung (1955) | 黄飞鸿正传 | 黃飛鴻正傳 | Hong Kong | |
187 | The True Story of Wong Fei-hung, the Sequel (1955) | 续黄飞鸿传 | 續黃飛鴻傳 | Hong Kong | |
188 | Two Sisters before the Buddha (1955) | 佛前姊妹花 | 佛前姊妹花 | Hong Kong | |
189 | Uproar in the Women's Tower (1955) | 大闹粉妆楼 | 大鬧粉粧樓 | Hong Kong | |
190 | Village Girl (1955) | 乡村姑娘 | 鄉村姑娘 | Hong Kong | |
191 | The Virtuous (1955) | 一片冰心 | 一片冰心 | Hong Kong | |
192 | Waiting Wife She Awaits her (1955) | 望夫山上望夫归 | 望夫山上望夫歸 | Hong Kong | |
193 | Who Will Get the Pretty Girl? (1955) | 彩凤入谁家 | 彩鳳入誰家 | Hong Kong | |
194 | The Wife's Way (1955) | 妇道 | 婦道 | Hong Kong | |
195 | The Woman Between (1955) | 两地相思 | 兩地相思 | Hong Kong | |
196 | Wong Fei-hung's Rival for the Fireworks (1955) | 黄飞鸿花地抢炮 | 黃飛鴻花地搶炮 | Hong Kong | |
197 | Wong Fei-hung's Victory at the Sipai Lou (1955) | 黄飞鸿威震四牌楼 | 黃飛鴻威震四牌樓 | Hong Kong | |
198 | Xuemei Teaches Her Son (1955) | 雪梅教子 | 雪梅教子 | Hong Kong | |
199 | Year In, Year Out (1955) | 一年之计 | 一年之計 | ||
200 | between Man anda (1955) | 人犬恩仇 | 人犬恩仇 | Hong Kong |
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