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Chinese Movie Database 

1978 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 229 (230)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 0 Animation 0 TV 4 (4)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
1 The 36th Chamber of Shalin (1978)少林卅六房少林卅六房Hong Kong
2 Amsterdam Connection (1978)荷兰赌人头荷蘭賭人頭Hong Kong
3 Amsterdam Kill (1978)荷京喋血荷京喋血Hong Kong
4 Avenging Eagle, The (1978)冷血十三鹰冷血十三鷹Hong Kong
5 Bank-Buster (1978)捞过界撈過界Hong Kong
6 The Big Number (1978)大冧巴大冧巴Hong Kong
7 Black Society (1978)黑幕黑幕Hong Kong
8 Blue Bay, The (1978)蓝色的海湾藍色的海灣Mainland China
9 The Brave Archer Part II (1978)射雕英雄传续集射雕英雄傳續集Hong Kong
10 Breakout from Oppression (1978)杀出重围殺出重圍Hong Kong
11 Bruce Lee the Invincible (1978)南洋唐人街南洋唐人街Hong Kong
12 Bruce Li in New Guinea (1978)蛇女欲潮蛇女慾潮Hong Kong
13 Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu (1978)达魔铁指功達魔鐵指功Hong Kong
14 By Hook and by Crook (1978)剥错大牙折错骨剝錯大牙折錯骨Hong Kong
15 Cai Wenji (1978)蔡文姬蔡文姬Mainland China
16 Chase (1978)Hong Kong
17 Clan of Amazons (1978)陆小凤传奇之绣花大盗陸小鳳傳奇之繡花大盜Hong Kong
18 The Contract (1978)卖身契賣身契Hong Kong
19 Course Severe, The (1978)严峻的历程嚴峻的歷程Mainland China
20 Crazy Imposters (1978)扮猪食老虎扮豬食老虎Hong Kong
21 The Crazy World (1978)偷食抢食搵饭食偸食搶食搵飯食Hong Kong
22 Crippled Avengers (1978)残缺殘缺Hong Kong
23 Cunning Hustler, The (1978)伦文叙与沙三少倫文敘與沙三少Hong Kong
24 Cunning Tendency (1978)鬼马狂潮鬼馬狂潮Hong Kong
25 Delinquent Teenagers (1978)非男飞女非男飛女Hong Kong
26 The Delivery (1978)交货交貨Hong Kong
27 Devil Husband, The (1978)辣手情人辣手情人Hong Kong
28 Dinglong Town (1978)丁龙镇丁龍鎮Mainland China
29 Dirty Kung Fu (1978)鬼马功夫鬼馬功夫Hong Kong
30 Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978)老虎田鸡老虎田雞Hong Kong
31 Dog Bites Dog Bone (1978)狗咬狗骨狗咬狗骨Hong Kong
32 Double Cross (1978)狮子头玻璃肚獅子頭玻璃肚Hong Kong/Taiwan
33 Dream of the Red Chamber (1978)新红楼梦新紅樓夢Taiwan
34 Drunken Master (1978)醉拳醉拳Hong Kong
35 Dynamo (1978)不择手段不擇手段Hong Kong
36 Edge of Fury (1978)捞家捞女捞上捞撈家撈女撈上撈Hong Kong
37 Enter the Fat Dragon (1978)肥龙过江肥龍過江Hong Kong
38 Erotic Dream of Red Chamber (1978)红楼春上春紅樓春上春Hong Kong
39 Everlasting Love (1978)永恒的爱永恒的愛Taiwan
40 Everywhere Birds Are Singing (1978)处处闻啼鸟處處聞啼鳥Taiwan
41 The Extras (1978)茄哩啡茄哩啡Hong Kong
42 The Fight in Leopard Valley (1978)豹子湾的战斗豹子灣的戰斗Mainland China
43 Fighting the Sharks (1978)斗鲨斗鯊Mainland China
44 The Fire Boy (1978)火娃火娃Mainland China
45 Five Venoms, The (1978)五毒五毒Hong Kong
46 Flying Guillotine, Part II (1978)残酷大刺杀殘酷大刺殺Hong Kong
47 Follow the Star (1978)大煞星与小妹头大煞星與小妹頭Hong Kong
48 For Whom to Be Murdered (1978)漩涡漩渦Hong Kong
49 Game of Death (1978)死亡游戏死亡游戲Hong Kong
50 Gang of Four (1978)四二八四二八Hong Kong
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