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Chinese Movie Database 

1983 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 307 (308)

Others: Short 1 (1) Documentary 0 Animation 1 (1) TV 26 (26)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
51 Esprit D'amour (1983)阴阳错陰陽錯Hong Kong
52 The Eventful Journey (1983)不平静的旅程不平靜的旅程Mainland China
53 Everything Comes to Him Who Wants (1983)瓜熟蒂落瓜熟蒂落Mainland China
54 Fair Girl, A (1983)西子姑娘西子姑娘Mainland China
55 Fan Lihua (1983)樊梨花樊梨花Mainland China
56 Fast Fingers (1983)梁上君子樑上君子Hong Kong
57 Father and His Daughter (1983)父女情父女情Mainland China
58 The Fearless Hyena Part II (1983)龙腾虎跃龍騰虎躍Hong Kong
59 Feelings (1983)寸草心寸草心Mainland China
60 A Female Coach's Words (1983)一个女教练的自述一個女教練的自述Mainland China
61 Final Choice, The (1983)最后的选择最後的選擇Mainland China
62 First Time (1983)第一次第一次Hong Kong
63 A Fishing Girl Singer (1983)海上生明月海上生明月Mainland China
64 A Fist Full Of Talon (1983)虎鹰虎鷹Hong Kong
65 For the Blinded Granny (1983)夜明珠夜明珠Mainland China
66 Forever Young (1983)青春万岁青春萬歲Mainland China
67 The Fung Shui Master (1983)风生水起風生水起Hong Kong
68 General He Long (1983)贺龙军长賀龍軍長Mainland China
69 Ghosts Galore (1983)满天神佛滿天神佛Hong Kong
70 The Girl Mochou (1983)莫愁女莫愁女Mainland China
71 Girl Students' Dormitory (1983)女大学生宿舍女大學生宿舍Mainland China
72 The Girl Who Wants to Dance (1983)不当演员的姑娘不當演員的姑娘Mainland China
73 Girl Who was Never Been Married, The (1983)嫁不出去的姑娘嫁不出去的姑娘Mainland China
74 Give Me Back (1983)小生作反小生作反Hong Kong
75 Glimmer (1983)萤火螢火Mainland China
76 Growing Up (1983)小毕的故事小畢的故事Taiwan
77 Gun Is Law (1983)退休探长退休探長Hong Kong
78 Habour is not Quiet, The (1983)港湾不平静港灣不平靜Mainland China
79 Happy Bachelors (1983)快乐的单身汉快樂的單身漢Mainland China
80 Health Warning (1983)打擂台打擂台Hong Kong
81 Heartbeat (1983)心灵的搏斗心靈的搏斗Mainland China
82 Hedgehog Sonata (1983)小刺猬奏鸣曲小刺猬奏鳴曲Mainland China
83 Here is the Beginning of Life (1983)生活从这里开始生活從這里開始Mainland China
84 Heroes (1983)天骄天驕Mainland China
85 Hijack (1983)劫持劫持Mainland China
86 Holy Flame of Martial World (1983)武林圣火令武林聖火令Hong Kong
87 Home at Hong Kong (1983)家在香港家在香港Hong Kong
88 Hometown Accent (1983)乡音鄉音Mainland China
89 Hong Kong Playboy (1983)花心大少花心大少Hong Kong
90 Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1983)男与女男與女
91 Huo Tao and Cao Cao (1983)华佗与曹操華佗與曹操Mainland China
92 An Imperial Household (1983)皇亲国戚皇親國戚Mainland China
93 It's Mid-Autumn Festival (1983)月到中秋月到中秋Hong Kong
94 It's Not True (1983)希望这不是真的希望這不是真的Mainland China
95 Just For Fun (1983)空心大少爷空心大少爺Hong Kong
96 Labour Delegates, The (1983)职工代表職工代表Hong Kong
97 The Lady Assassin (1983)清宫启示录清宮啟示錄Hong Kong
98 The Lady Is The Boss (1983)掌门人掌門人Hong Kong
99 Land of Rebirth, The (1983)再生之地再生之地Mainland China
100 The Last Affair (1983)花城花城Hong Kong
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