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Chinese Movie Database 

1987 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 302 (303)

Others: Short 0 Documentary 4 (4) Animation 1 (1) TV 4 (4)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
51 The Enchanting Night (1987)良宵花弄月良宵花弄月Hong Kong
52 Erzi Runs an Inn (1987)二子开店二子開店Mainland China
53 Escape to Hong Kong (1987)逃港者逃港者Mainland China
54 Event of an Ancient Coin, The (1987)古币风波古幣風波Mainland China
55 Evil Cat (1987)凶猫凶貓Hong Kong
56 Far Removed From War (1987)远离战争的年代遠離戰爭的年代Mainland China
57 Farewell, Women (1987)战争让女人走开戰爭讓女人走開Mainland China
58 Feelings in the World (1987)人间恩怨人間恩怨Mainland China
59 The Final Test (1987)最后一战最後一戰Hong Kong
60 Final Victory (1987)最后胜利最後勝利Hong Kong
61 Five Comedians (1987)笑破情网笑破情網Mainland China
62 Flag of Honor (1987)旗正飘飘旗正飄飄Taiwan
63 Flaming Brothers (1987)江湖龙虎斗江湖龍虎斗Hong Kong
64 Flowers of Paradise (1987)芳草碧连天芳草碧連天Taiwan
65 Fortune Hunters (1987)江湖正将江湖正將Hong Kong
66 Four Women Friends (1987)同龄女友同齡女友Mainland China
67 French Kung Fu Queen, The (1987)洋妞寻师洋妞尋師Mainland China
68 The Game They Call Sex (1987)黄色故事黃色故事Taiwan
69 The Gang Didn't Shoot Straight (1987)欢乐5人组歡樂5人組Hong Kong
70 The General Ling (1987)菱角将军菱角將軍Mainland China
71 Ghost's Lover (1987)隔世鬼奸情隔世鬼姦情Hong Kong
72 Girl, a Fugitive and a Dog, A (1987)少女·逃犯·狗少女·逃犯·狗Mainland China
73 Golden Swallow (1987)金燕子金燕子Hong Kong
74 Good Guy, The (1987)仗义小伙儿仗義小伙兒Mainland China
75 Goodbye Darling (1987)呷醋大丈夫呷醋大丈夫Hong Kong
76 The Grave Robbers Part III (1987)东陵大盗 III東陵大盜 IIIMainland China
77 The Grave Robbers Part IV (1987)东陵大盗 IV東陵大盜 IVMainland China
78 Happy Bigamist (1987)一屋两妻一屋兩妻Hong Kong
79 Happy Go Lucky (1987)开心快活人開心快活人Hong Kong
80 The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)猛鬼差馆猛鬼差館Hong Kong
81 Haunted Forest, The (1987)恐怖的鬼森林恐怖的鬼森林Mainland China
82 Heartbeat 100 (1987)心跳一百心跳一百Hong Kong
83 Hero in Northeast, The (1987)关东大侠關東大俠Mainland China
84 His Little World (1987)哎哟,哥哥哎喲,哥哥Mainland China
85 Huang Tianba (1987)金镖黄天霸金鏢黃天霸Mainland China
86 I Only Cried Three Times (1987)我只流三次泪我只流三次淚Mainland China
87 I Want To Be (1987)我的志愿我的志願Taiwan
88 Imperial Cannon Team (1987)大清炮队大清炮隊Mainland China
89 In the Line of Duty II: Middleman (1987)皇家师姐 II之中间人皇家師姐 II之中間人Hong Kong
90 Is It Love? (1987)初恋时,我们不懂爱情初戀時,我們不懂愛情Mainland China
91 It Will be Cold by the Lake This Year (1987)今年的湖畔会很冷今年的湖畔會很冷Taiwan
92 It's a Great Happiness to Us (1987)幸福不是毛毛雨幸福不是毛毛雨Mainland China
93 It's a Mad Mad World (1987)富贵逼人富貴逼人Hong Kong
94 The Jade Bottles (1987)罪恶惊魂录罪惡驚魂錄Mainland China
95 Jokers Playing Games (1987)娶错老婆投错胎娶錯老婆投錯胎
96 A Kidnapping (1987)绑票綁票Mainland China
97 Killer is Nocture (1987)不夜天不夜天Hong Kong
98 King of Sulu and the Emperor of China, The (1987)苏禄国王与中国皇帝蘇祿國王與中國皇帝Mainland China
99 King of the Children (1987)孩子王孩子王Mainland China
100 Lady In Black (1987)夺命佳人奪命佳人Hong Kong
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