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Chinese Movie Database 

2001 Film List (Yearly film list)

Feature Film/Fiction Film 167 (170)

Others: Short 2 (2) Documentary 5 (5) Animation 0 TV 16 (16)
Numbers in parentheses include films in production and non-Chinese language films.
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TitleChinese Title (sp)Chinese Title (td)Region
101 Nightmare in the Precinct 7 (2001)七号差馆七號差館Hong Kong
102 Nightmares In Precinct 7 (2001)7号差馆7號差館Hong Kong
103 The Orphan of Anyang (2001)安阳婴儿安陽嬰兒Mainland China
104 Para Para Sakula (2001)芭啦芭啦樱之花芭啦芭啦櫻之花Hong Kong
105 Peony Pavilion (2001)游园惊梦游園驚夢Hong Kong
106 Prison On Fire - Life Sentence (2001)监狱风云之终身犯監獄風雲之終身犯Hong Kong
107 Prison On Fire Plaintive Destiny (2001)监狱风云之夜囚監獄風雲之夜囚Hong Kong
108 Purple Sun (2001)紫日紫日Mainland China
109 Quitting (2001)昨天昨天Mainland China
110 The Replacement Suspects (2001)困兽困獸Hong Kong
111 Roots and Branches (2001)我的兄弟姐妹我的兄弟姐妹Mainland China
112 Runaway (2001)走投有路走投有路Hong Kong
113 Running Out of Time II (2001)暗战2暗戰2
114 Rush Hour 2 (2001)尖峰时刻2尖峰時刻2Hong Kong
115 The Saving Hands (2001)最激之手最激之手Hong Kong
116 Scaremonger (2001)惊声尖叫驚聲尖叫Hong Kong
117 Seafood (2001)海鲜海鮮Mainland China/Hong Kong
118 Seamy Side Of Life-A Black Chick (2001)黑暗时代之无证妓女黑暗時代之無證妓女Hong Kong
119 Sentence (2001)终身犯終身犯Hong Kong
120 Shadow (2001)幽灵情书幽靈情書Hong Kong
121 Shadow Mask (2001)武神黑侠武神黑俠Hong Kong
122 Shanghai Panic (2001)我们害怕我們害怕Mainland China
123 Shaolin Soccer (2001)少林足球少林足球Hong Kong
124 Sharp Guns (2001)险角險角Hong Kong
125 So-Called Friend (2001)哥们儿哥們兒Mainland China/Taiwan
126 Soldier of Huangpu (2001)黄埔军人黃埔軍人Mainland China
127 Stolen Love (2001)别恋別戀Hong Kong
128 Stowaway (2001)惊天大逃亡驚天大逃亡Hong Kong
129 Strangers Meet on the Way (2001)陌路相逢陌路相逢Hong Kong
130 Sun Flower (2001)葵花劫葵花劫Mainland China
131 Take 2 In Life (2001)狗仔大佬狗仔大佬Hong Kong
132 To Be No. 1 Shepherd (2001)金榜题名之流氓社工金榜題名之流氓社工Hong Kong
133 Tough Cop Inside (2001)内有恶警內有惡警Hong Kong
134 Troublesome Night 10 (2001)阴阳路十宣言咒陰陽路十宣言咒Hong Kong
135 Troublesome Night 11 (2001)阴阳路十一撩鬼?命陰陽路十一撩鬼攞命Hong Kong
136 Troublesome Night 11 (2001)阴阳路十一之撩鬼条命陰陽路十一之撩鬼條命Hong Kong
137 Troublesome Night 12 (2001)阴阳路十二美容尸陰陽路十二美容屍Hong Kong
138 Troublesome Night 8 (2001)阴阳路八之棺材仔陰陽路八之棺材仔Hong Kong
139 Troublesome Night 9 (2001)阴阳路九之命转乾坤陰陽路九之命轉乾坤Hong Kong
140 Ultimate Intelligence (2001)极度智能極度智能Hong Kong
141 Ultimatum (2001)最后通牒最后通牒Hong Kong
142 Vampire Controller (2001)赶尸先生趕屍先生Hong Kong
143 Visible Secret (2001)幽灵人间幽靈人間Hong Kong
144 A Way We Go (2001)自由门神自由門神Taiwan
145 Weekend Plot (2001)秘语十七小时秘語十七小時Mainland China
146 Who Cares (2001)谁说我不在乎誰說我不在乎
147 Wishful Milenio (2001)千禧愿千禧願Hong Kong
148 Womens Private Parts (2001)女人那话儿女人那話兒Hong Kong
149 Wu Yen (2001)钟无艳鍾無艶Hong Kong
150 You Shoot, I Shoot (2001)买凶拍人買凶拍人Hong Kong
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