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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Beijing

Subject : Beijing (Subject Index)

Total 46 records

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Showing: 31-46

31. In the Heat of the Sun (1995)

32. An Unwelcome Lady (1994)

33. The Square (1994)

34. No One Cheers (1993)

35. Decisive Engagement Part 2: The Battle of Ping-jin (1991)

36. Black Snow (1990)

37. Good Morning, Beijing (1990)

38. TV Series Title in pinyin jing1 hua2 yan1 yun2 (1988)

39. My Memories of Old Beijing (1982)

40. The Teahouse (1982)

41. Rickshaw Boy (1982)

42. As You Wish (1982)

43. Heavy Traffic (1981)

44. TV Series The Fatal Irony (1974)

45. 55 Days at Peking (1963) [non-Chinese]

46. Sceneries of Peking (1920)

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