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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Hong Kong

Subject : Hong Kong (Subject Index)

Total 114 records

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Showing: 91-114

91. Song of the Exile (1990)

92. Underground Express (1990)

93. To Liv(e) (1990) [non-Chinese]

94. Gangs (1988)

95. Tai-Pan (1986) [non-Chinese]

96. My Name Ain't Suzie (1985)

97. TV Series The Battle Among the Clans (1985)

98. Hong Kong 1941 (1984)

99. TV Series Radio Tycoon (1983)

100. Pink Thief (1982)

101. Brothers From Walled City (1982)

102. TV Series Gone With the Wind (1980)

103. Secret, The (1979)

104. The Human Goddess (1972)

105. It's Spring Again (1967)

106. Street Boys (1960)

107. The World of Suzie Wong (1960) [non-Chinese]

108. A Mellow Spring (1957)

109. Halfway Down (1957)

110. Love is a Many-Slendored Thing (1955) [non-Chinese]

111. Blood Alley (1955) [non-Chinese]

112. The Governor Reviews St John's Ambulance Brigade (1952)

113. Flight of Hong Kong Royal Air Force (1950)

114. Scenes of the King's Silver Jubilee Celebration in Hong Kong (1935)

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