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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Military

Subject : Military (Subject Index)

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Total 86 records

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Showing: 61-86

61. The 14 Amazons (1972)

62. The Red Detachment of Women (1972)

63. The Red Detachment of Women (1971)

64. Title in pinyin nan2 hai3 chang2 cheng2 (1964)

65. Red Sun (1963)

66. Naval Battle of 1894 (1962)

67. Title in pinyin ying1 xiong2 tan3 ke4 shou3 (1962)

68. The Red Detachment of Women (1961)

69. Title in pinyin hai3 ying1 (1959)

70. The Battle of Shanghai (1959)

71. Title in pinyin chang2 kong1 bi3 yi4 (1958)

72. Title in pinyin dang3 de nü3 er2 (1958)

73. Title in pinyin qi2 xi2 wu3 ling2 qiao2 (1958)

74. Title in pinyin shang4 gan1 ling3 (1956)

75. Flying Tigers (1956)

76. Dong Cunrui (1955)

77. Guerrillas on the Plain (1955)

78. Hell and High Water (1954) [non-Chinese]

79. Title in pinyin zhi4 qu3 hua2 shan1 (1953)

80. From Victory to Victory (1952)

81. Liu Hulan (1950)

82. Daughters of China (1949)

83. Title in pinyin liang2 hong2 yu4 (1940)

84. A Good Guy (1926)

85. War of Shanghai (1913)

86. War of Wuhan (1911)

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