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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Railway

Subject : Railway (Subject Index)

Total 15 records

1. A Railway in the Cloud (2007)

2. How is Your Fish Today? (2006)

3. TV Series Title in pinyin die2 xue3 da4 dong4 mai4 (2004)

4. Title in pinyin zhong1 e2 lie4 che1 da4 jie2 an4 (1995)

5. The Romance of Porters (1994)

6. Prison Car To the West (1989)

7. Desperation (1987)

8. The Grade-Fourth Railway Station (1984)

9. Strange Friends (1982)

10. Title in pinyin ji1 zhan4 wu2 ming2 chuan1 (1974)

11. Title in pinyin tie3 dao4 wei4 shi4 (1960)

12. Title in pinyin feng1 huo3 lie4 che2 (1960)

13. Title in pinyin 风暴 (1959)

14. Title in pinyin tie3 dao4 you2 ji1 dui4 (1956)

15. Shanghai Express (1932) [non-Chinese]

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