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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Three Kingdoms

Subject : Three Kingdoms (Subject Index)

Total 12 records

1. TV Series Three Kingdoms (2010)

2. The Red Cliff 2 (2009)

3. TV Series K.O.3an Guo (2009)

4. Red Cliff (2008)

5. Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (2008)

6. Title in pinyin san1 guo2 yan3 yi4 zhi1 hong2 mei2 gui4 yu3 mei2 gui4 (2007) [Planning]

7. Timeless Romance (1998)

8. Generation Pendragon (1997)

9. Huo Tao and Cao Cao (1983)

10. Diau Charn (1958)

11. The Affair Between Lui Bo and Diu Sim (1952)

12. The Sable Cicada (1938)

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