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Chinese Movie Database 

Topics :: Genres and Subjects ::Subject : Spy

Subject : Spy (Subject Index)

Total 34 records

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Showing: 1-30

1. King (2013) [Post-production]

2. The Silent War (2012)

3. East Wind Rain (2010)

4. The Message (2009)

5. TV Series Landing, Please Open Mobile Phone (2008)

6. TV Series Title in pinyin yan3 zhong1 ding1 (2008)

7. TV Series Title in pinyin chong2 qing2 die2 zhan4 (2007) [In Production]

8. TV Series East Hegemon (2007)

9. Lust, Caution (2007)

10. TV Series Plot Against (2006)

11. The Accidental Spy (2001)

12. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) [non-Chinese]

13. From Beijing With Love (1994)

14. Dark Shadow (1991)

15. Shooting for Him (1982)

16. Spring and Autumn in a Small Town (1981)

17. The Secret Service in Action (1981)

18. A Hand Cuffed Passenger (1980)

19. The Man Who Deals with Devils (1980)

20. The Blue File (1980)

21. Gunfire at the Secret Bureau (1978)

22. Hunter-99 (1978)

23. Storm Over the Yangtse River (1969)

24. Operation Lipstick (1967)

25. International Secret Agent (1967)

26. Title in pinyin di4 qi1 hao4 nü3 jian4 die2 (1964)

27. Military Depot No. 51 (1961)

28. Title in pinyin san1 ba1 xian4 shang4 (1960)

29. Secret Post n Canton (1957)

30. Title in pinyin zhan3 duan4 mo2 zhua3 (1954)

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