1952 年度影片列表 (年度影片统计)
剧情片/故事片 207 (208)
Others: 短片 0 纪录片
3 (3)
动画片 0
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| | 片名 | 英文片名 | 地区 |
151 | | 璧合珠联 (1952) | Good Marriage | 香港 |
152 | | 生包公夜审奸郭槐 (1952) | Judge Pao's Night Trial of the Wicked Kwok Wai | 香港 |
153 | | 生包公夜审真假光绪皇 (1952) | How Judge Pao Tested the Faked Emperor Kwong Sui | 香港 |
154 | | 生红娘三戏张君瑞 (1952) | How the Red Maid Thrice Mocked Cheung Kwun-shui | 香港 |
155 | | 百花齐放 (1952) | Blossoms in the Heart | 香港 |
156 | | 真假欧阳德 (1952) | Auyeung Tak and His Double | 香港 |
157 | | 真假武潘安 (1952) | | 香港 |
158 | | 神腿大侠 (1952) | The Heroine with Invincible Legs | 香港 |
159 | | 神鬼人 (1952) | Witch, Devil, Man | 香港 |
160 | | 笑星降地球 (1952) | A Comet of Laughter Lands on Earth | 香港 |
161 | | 粉碎黄金梦 (1952) | Broken Illusions of Gold | 香港 |
162 | | 红伶歌唱大集会 (1952) | Musical Revue | 香港 |
163 | | 红白牡丹花 (1952) | Red and White Peonies | 香港 |
164 | | 红运妈姐 (1952) | The Lucky Amah | 香港 |
165 | | 绿林红粉 (1952) | The Beautiful Bandit | 香港 |
166 | | 绿窗红泪 (1952) | Green Window, Red Tears | 香港 |
167 | | 老婆皇帝 (1952) | Wife Emperor aka My Wife, My Master | 香港 |
168 | | 良宵花弄月 (1952) | Night of Romance | 香港 |
169 | | 艳曲醉郎心 (1952) | The Sensuous Singer | 香港 |
170 | | 艳福齐天 (1952) | All the Love Heaven Allows | 香港 |
171 | | 花开燕子归 (1952) | The Swallow's Return | 香港 |
172 | | 花月又重圆 (1952) | Joyous Reunion | 香港 |
173 | | 蓬门小凤 (1952) | Daughter of a Humble House | 香港 |
174 | | 蔷薇处处开 (1952) | Blooming Roses | 香港 |
175 | | 虎落平阳 (1952) | The Tiger and the Dog | 香港 |
176 | | 蚕虫师爷 (1952) | Wise Guy | 香港 |
177 | | 蜜月 (1952) | Honeymoon | 香港 |
178 | | 血染芙蓉谷 (1952) | Battle in Lotus Valley | 香港 |
179 | | 血溅金沙湾 (1952) | Bloody Fight by the Golden Sand Bay | 香港 |
180 | | 观音兵 (1952) | The Young Lady's Escort Army | 香港 |
181 | | 诗礼传家 (1952) | Family Doctrine | 香港 |
182 | | 财来自有方 (1952) | Money Will Find Its Way to Come | 香港 |
183 | | 贫贱夫妻百事哀 (1952) | Everything Goes Wrong for the Poor Couple | 香港 |
184 | | 贼王子巧遇情僧 (1952) | between the Prince of Thieves and the | 香港 |
185 | | 赵五娘 (1952) | The Story of Fifth Madam Zhao | 香港 |
186 | | 近水楼台 (1952) | The Closer, the Better | 香港 |
187 | | 连环相思 (1952) | The Love Chain | 香港 |
188 | | 迷姬 (1952) | The Enchantress | 香港 |
189 | | 迷宫四妖 (1952) | Four Sirens | 香港 |
190 | | 迷楼金粉 (1952) | Lovely Dweller of Enchanting Tower | 香港 |
191 | | 酒楼戏凤 (1952) | Flirting with a Pretty Maid in the Wineshop | 香港 |
192 | | 金屋藏娇 (1952) | The Secret Mistress | 香港 |
193 | | 银灯照玉郎 (1952) | My Love under the Silvery Lamp | 香港 |
194 | | 闺怨 (1952) | Always in My Heart | 香港 |
195 | | 阿牛新传 (1952) | The New Story of Ah Ngau | 香港 |
196 | | 陈靖姑临水平妖(上集) (1952) | Chen Jinggu's Battle with the Demons, Part One | 香港 |
197 | | 陈靖姑临水平妖(下集) (1952) | Chen Jinggu's Battle with the Demons, Part Two | 香港 |
198 | | 难为了爸爸 (1952) | Poor Daddy | 香港 |
199 | | 雾香港 (1952) | Misty Hong Kong | 香港 |
200 | | 飞来艳福 (1952) | Romance from Heaven | 香港 |
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