1959 年度影片列表 (年度影片统计)
剧情片/故事片 358 (358)
Others: 短片 0 纪录片
9 (9)
动画片 0
选择页码: 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| | 片名 | 英文片名 | 地区 |
1 | | 一世人辛苦为了家 (1959) | All for the Family | 香港 |
2 | | 一命三凶手 (1959) | The Three Murderers | 香港 |
3 | | 一枝红艳露凝香 (1959) | Sweet Dew on a Beautiful Flower | 香港 |
4 | | 七侠五义夜探冲宵楼 (1959) | and Five Altruists Spy on Chongxiao | 香港 |
5 | | 七剑下天山 (1959) | Seven Swordsmen from Tianshan | 香港 |
6 | | 七彩钟无艳(三集大结局) (1959) | The Story of Chung Mo-yim (Colour), Part Three | 香港 |
7 | | 七彩钟无艳(续集) (1959) | The Story of Chung Mo-yim (Colour), the Sequel | 香港 |
8 | | 万水千山 (1959) | | 中国大陆 |
9 | | 万紫千红总是春 (1959) | | 中国大陆 |
10 | | 万里琵琶关外月 (1959) | The Moonlight and Pipa of the Borderland | 香港 |
11 | | 丈夫的情人 (1959) | The Husband's Lover | 香港 |
12 | | 三司会审杀姑案 (1959) | Trial of the Wife Who Murdered Her Mother-in-Law | 香港 |
13 | | 三姐下凡 (1959) | The Fairy Third Sister's Trip to the Secular World | 香港 |
14 | | 三年一哭二郎桥 (1959) | Triennial Mourning on the Bridge | 香港 |
15 | | 三月杜鹃魂 (1959) | Cuckoo's Soul in March | 香港 |
16 | | 三盗九龙杯 (1959) | Three Attempts to Steal the Goblet of Nine Dragons | 香港 |
17 | | 三轮车夫之恋 (1959) | The Love of a Pedicab Driver | 香港 |
18 | | 世代冤仇儿女情 (1959) | Feud and Love | 香港 |
19 | | 东床佳婿 (1959) | My Eligible Son-in-Law | 香港 |
20 | | 两个大泡和 (1959) | Two Good-for-Nothings | 香港 |
21 | | 两个大老衬 (1959) | Two Lucky Fools | 香港 |
22 | | 两傻大闹太空 (1959) | Riots in the Outer Space | 香港 |
23 | | 两傻捉鬼记 (1959) | Two Fools Capture a Ghost | 香港 |
24 | | 两傻擒凶记 (1959) | Two Fools Catch the Murderer | 香港 |
25 | | 丽鬼冤仇 (1959) | The Beautiful Ghost's Grievance | 香港 |
26 | | 乔老爷上花轿 (1959) | Becomes the Groom | 香港 |
27 | | 乔老爷上轿 (1959) | Master Qiao Mounts the Sedan | 中国大陆 |
28 | | 乖侄 (1959) | My Good Nephew | 香港 |
29 | | 九天玄女 (1959) | The Fairy of Ninth Heaven | 香港 |
30 | | 乞丐招子婿 (1959) | | 台湾 |
31 | | 二世祖盲公问米 (1959) | The Spendthrift Son Reduced to Be a Spirit Medium | 香港 |
32 | | 云裳艳后 (1959) | Cinderella and Her Little Angels | 香港 |
33 | | 五朵金花 (1959) | Five Golden Flowers | 中国大陆 |
34 | | 人伦 (1959) | Human Relationships | 香港 |
35 | | 仙女下凡 (1959) | Fairy Comes Down to Earth | 香港 |
36 | | 伦文叙与柳先开 (1959) | Lun Man-chui and Lau Sin-hoi | 香港 |
37 | | 何仙姑 (1959) | The Immortal He Xian'gu | 香港 |
38 | | 何文秀庵堂会妻 (1959) | He Wenxiu Meets His Wife in the Nunnery | 香港 |
39 | | 假夫妻 (1959) | Phony Couple | 香港 |
40 | | 假正经 (1959) | The Frivolous Professor | 香港 |
41 | | 偷情记 (1959) | Stolen Love | 香港 |
42 | | 僵尸复仇 (1959) | The Vengeance of the Vampire | 香港 |
43 | | 儿女英雄传 (1959) | The Heroine | 香港 |
44 | | 六月雪 (1959) | Snow in June | 香港 |
45 | | 兰闺风云 (1959) | Wedding Bells for Hedy | 香港 |
46 | | 冤枉相思 (1959) | Misguided Love | 香港 |
47 | | 凄凉媳妇 (1959) | The Miserable Daughter-in-Law | 香港 |
48 | | 凤烛烧残泪未乾 (1959) | A Sad Wedding Night | 香港 |
49 | | 凶手是谁 (1959) | Who is the Murderer? | 香港 |
50 | | 凸哥与凹哥 (1959) | | 台湾 |
选择页码: 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8