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Chinese Movie Database 

Chen You

Chen You


Rating: Attractiveness
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Rating: Talent
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Total 44 records


1. My Americanize Wife (1992)
2. Hero of the Beggars (1992)
3. When Fortune Smiles (1990)
4. A Fishy Story (1989)
5. One Husband Too Many (1988)
6. Happy Bigamist (1987)
7. Carry On Doctors And Nurses (1985)
8. Mr. Virgin (1984)


1. Retribution Sight Unseen (1993)
2. The Tiger's Legend of Canton (1993)
3. Miracle 90 Days (1992)
4. My Americanize Wife (1992)
5. Hero of the Beggars (1992)
6. Changing Partners (1992)
7. When Fortune Smiles (1990)
8. Till Death Shall We Start (1990)
9. Mr. Fortune (1989)
10. A Fishy Story (1989)
11. City Squeeze (1989)
12. Spooky (1988)
13. Mr. Vampire Saga Four (1988)
14. 3 Wishes (1988)
15. One Husband Too Many (1988)
16. Happy Bigamist (1987)
17. To Err Is Humane (1987)
18. Why Why Tell Me Why (1986)
19. The Strange Bedfellow (1986)
20. The Luckiest Stars (1986)
21. Mr. Vampire (1985)
22. Modern Cinderella (1985)
23. Funny Triple (1985)
24. Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)
25. Carry On Doctors And Nurses (1985)
26. Fate (1984)
27. Family Light Affair (1984)
28. Let's Make Laugh (1983)
29. Monkey Business (1982)
30. Cheerful Wind (1981)
31. Title not available (1981)
32. Cute Girl (1980)


1. My Americanize Wife (1992)
2. Changing Partners (1992)


1. My Americanize Wife (1992)

Associate Producer

1. Paper Marriage (1988)

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