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Chinese Movie Database 

KAO Pao-Shu

Gao Baoshu


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Total 43 records


1. The Master Strikes (1980)
2. The Damned (1977)
3. Wrong Side of the Track (1976)
4. Female Fugitive (1975)
5. The Virgin Mart (1974)
6. Win Them All (1973)
7. Lady with a Sword (1971)
8. The Desperate Chase (1971)


1. Female Fugitive (1975)
2. Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972)
3. A Place to Call Home (1970)
4. Double Bliss (1970)
5. The Land of Many Perfumes (1968)
6. The Pearl Phoenix (1967)
7. The Blue and the Black, Part Two (1966)
8. The Blue and the Black, Part One (1966)
9. The Lark (1965)
10. Sons of Good Earth (1965)
11. Forbidden City aka Romance in a (1965)
12. The Female Prince (1964)
13. The Story of Sue San (1964)......Pi Shi
14. The Empress Wu Tse-tien (1963)
15. Return of the Phoenix (1963)
16. The Love Eterne (1963)
17. The Lady and the Thief (1963)
18. The Tryst (1962)
19. Dream of the Red Chamber (1962)
20. When the Poles Meet (1961)
21. Love without End (1961)
22. Les Belles (1961)
23. The Girl Next Door (1961)
24. Till the Clouds Roll By (1961)
25. Malayan Affair (1960)
26. Day-Time Husband (1959)
27. The Girl with a Thousand Guises (1959)
28. Under the Spell of Love (1959)
29. Miss Songbird (1959)
30. This Dazzling World (1956)
31. Sweet as a Melon (1956)
32. A Lonely Heart (1956)
33. Dog Murderer (1952)


1. Wrong Side of the Track (1976)
2. Female Fugitive (1975)

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