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Chinese Movie Database 

Guan Wenqing

Guan Wenqing


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Total 77 records


1. Title in pinyin: cha1 li4 zhuo1 mao1 ji4 (1969)
2. Girl in Danger (1962)
3. Poor Mother (1961)
4. An Immortal Refuses Love (1958)
5. Escorts His Sister-in-Law on a Thousand Mile (1957)
6. Kwan-ti, God of War (1956)
7. Is Parents' Love Ever Rewarded? (1955)
8. Li Sanniang (Remake) (1955)
9. between Man anda (1955)
10. Romance in the Western Chamber (1955)
11. The Burning of Biyun Palace (1955)
12. The Mystery of the Human Head (1955)
13. The Kid and the Vagabond Dog (1954)
14. Tragedy of Divorce (1954)
15. Spring's Flight (1954)
16. The Flight of the Swallows (1953)
17. Her Last Request (1953)
18. Between Her Own and the Concubine's Children (1952)
19. Wealth Gone Like a Dream (1952)
20. Daughter of a Humble House (1952)
21. Poor Mother (1951)
22. An Orphan's Sad Tale (1951)
23. Born Again (1950)
24. Sorrows of a Neglected Wife (1950)
25. New Lifeline (1948)
26. The Lusty Theif Girl (1948)
27. Mr Kwangtung Exposes the Corrupt Temple (1948)
28. The Groom and his Double (1948)
29. The Second Attempt (1948)
30. Tears of the Returned One (1947)
31. Grave of the Sisters-in-law (1939)
32. General (1939)
33. For Love or Money (1939)
34. Chrysanthemum, (1939)
35. Public Enemy (1938)
36. At the Parting of the Ways (1938)
37. The Golden-leaf Chrysanthemum (1938)
38. The Lady from West Lake (1937)
39. The Mad Director (1937)
40. Among the Dispossessed (1937)
41. The Modern Wu Dalang (1937)
42. the Border (1937)
43. Resist! (1936)
44. Blood-stained Money (1936)
45. Killing Gossip (1936)
46. The Modern Bride, Part Two (1935)
47. The Modern Bride (1935)
48. Lifeline (1935)
49. Breaking Waves (1934)
50. The Shining Pearl (1933)
51. Gunshot at Midnight (1932)
52. Iron Bone and Orchid Heart (1931)


1. The Woman Who Couldn't Care Less (1936)


1. Poor Mother (1961)
2. The Second Attempt (1948)
3. New Lifeline (1948)
4. Mr Kwangtung Exposes the Corrupt Temple (1948)
5. The Groom and his Double (1948)
6. Tears of the Returned One (1947)
7. Chrysanthemum, (1939)
8. Grave of the Sisters-in-law (1939)
9. For Love or Money (1939)
10. The Golden-leaf Chrysanthemum (1938)
11. Public Enemy (1938)
12. At the Parting of the Ways (1938)
13. The Lady from West Lake (1937)
14. The Mad Director (1937)
15. The Modern Wu Dalang (1937)
16. the Border (1937)
17. Resist! (1936)
18. Blood-stained Money (1936)
19. Killing Gossip (1936)
20. Lifeline (1935)
21. The Modern Bride, Part Two (1935)
22. The Modern Bride (1935)
23. Breaking Waves (1934)
24. The Shining Pearl (1933)

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