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Hong Bo


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Total 73 records


1. Title in pinyin: de5 xia4 si1 ling2 (1967)
2. The Puzzle of Money (1955)
3. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)
4. Beauty Contest (1954)


1. Title in pinyin: de5 xia4 si1 ling2 (1967)
2. At Dawn (1967)
3. Commander Underground, The (1967)
4. The Treacherous Lady Killer (1966)
5. Title in pinyin: xi1 shi1 (1966)
6. Lady Spy No.1 aka Girl Spy 001 (1965)
7. Title not available (1965)
8. Beyond the Great Wall (1964)
9. Secret Codes (1964)
10. Burning of the Red Lotus Monastery, Part Two (1963)
11. Sword and Pen (1963)
12. The Empress Wu Tse-tien (1963)
13. The Magnificent Ones, Part Two (1963)
14. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 hong2 lian2 si4 xia4 ji2 (1963)
15. Burning of the Red Lotus Monastery, Part One (1963)
16. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 hong2 lian2 si4 shang3 ji2 (1963)
17. The Birth of the Monkey King (1962)
18. The Road to the West (1962)
19. Appointment with Death (1961)
20. Heroes of the Five Sacred Mountains (1961)
21. Kiss Me Again (1960)
22. What Love Archieves (1960)
23. My Daughter, My Daughter (1960)......Zeng Guangpu
24. Fleur-de-Lys (1960)
25. Rear Entrance (1960)
26. Gone Forever (1960)
27. Eve of the Wedding (1960)
28. Black Gold (1959)
29. The Kingdom and the Beauty (1959)
30. The Vengeance of the Vampire (1959)
31. The Unforgetable Night (1958)
32. Holiday Express (1957)
33. A Mellow Spring (1957)
34. Miss Evening Sweet (1957)
35. A Mating Story (1957)
36. Three Winning Smiles (1956)
37. Ten Years Jailed (1956)
38. The Burning of Biyun Palace (1955)
39. The Golden Phoenix (1955)
40. Monk Chai Kung and His Double (1955)
41. The Puzzle of Money (1955)
42. The Story of Monk Chai Hung (1954)
43. Song of the Nightingale (1954)
44. Little Couple (1954)
45. Beauty Contest (1954)
46. Life and Death (1953)
47. A Faithful Dog and Its Enemy (1953)
48. Midsummer Night's Romance (1953)
49. A Woman's Love (1953)
50. A World of Gold (1953)
51. Love Eternal (1953)
52. The Illegitimate Son (1953)
53. Misty Hong Kong (1952)
54. Angel and Devil aka The Goddess and the Devil (1952)
55. Don't Tell My Husband (1952)
56. Three Smart Girls (1952)
57. A Sweet Maiden (1952)
58. Long Live the Bride aka Wedding Affairs (1952)
59. The Closer, the Better (1952)
60. Shattering the Chain-Linked Fortress (1951)
61. The Wet Paint (1950)
62. Bloodsuckers (1950)
63. Virtue in the Dust (1949)
64. Mysterious Heroine (1949)
65. The Corn is Ripe for Plucking (1948)
66. Sorrows of Forbidden City (1948)
67. Where is My Darling? (1947)


1. Beauty Contest (1954)

Production Manager

1. Don't Tell My Husband (1952)

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