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Chinese Movie Database 

Liao Benrong

Liao Benrong


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Total 27 records

Director of Cinematography

1. Help Me Eros (2007)
2. The River (1997)
3. No, Sir (1994)
4. Vive L'Amour (1994)
5. Green Green Leaves of Home (1993)
6. Rebels of the Neon God (1992)
7. Title not available (1991)
8. Fraternity (1990)
9. Title not available (1990)
10. A Woman and Seven Husbands (1990)
11. Title not available (1989)
12. Banana Paradise (1989)
13. Flag of Honor (1987)
14. Title not available (1986)
15. Title in pinyin: ba1 er4 san1 pao4 zhan4 (1986)
16. Title not available (1984)
17. Title in pinyin: lang4 zi3 ming2 hua1 jin1 guang1 dang3 (1982)
18. Title in pinyin: tie3 xue3 shen2 tan4 (1982)
19. Title in pinyin: que4 shang4 xin1 tou2 (1982)
20. Title in pinyin: wen4 xie2 yang2 (1982)
21. Title not available (1982)
22. My Cape of Many Dreams (1981)
23. The Pioneers (1980)
24. Title not available (1980)
25. Yoga and the Kung Fu Girl (1979)
26. Title in pinyin: wo3 men2 yong3 yuan3 zai4 yi4 qi3 (1979)
27. Title in pinyin: wo4 ai4 fang1 lin2 (1979)

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