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Chinese Movie Database 

Joyce NGAI Suk-Kwan

Ni Shujun


Rating: Attractiveness
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Rating: Talent
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Total 29 records


1. Midnight Caller (1995)
2. The Chinese Feast (1994)
3. A Confucian Confusion (1994)
4. Amazing Stories (1994)
5. Moonlight Boy (1994)
6. The Supernormal II (1993)
7. Slave of the Sword (1993)
8. Title not available (1992)
9. Title in pinyin: mo2 tu2 (1992)
10. The Supernomal (1992)
11. A Brighter Summer Day (1991)
12. Title not available (1991)
13. Title not available (1990)
14. Title not available (1990)
15. Title not available (1990)
16. Title not available (1989)
17. Title not available (1989)
18. Title not available (1988)
19. Unforgetable Fantasy (1985)
20. The Intellectual Trio (1985)
21. Hong Kong Graffiti (1985)
22. Silent Romance (1984)
23. The Ghost Informer (1984)
24. Title not available (1983)
25. Esprit D'amour (1983)
26. Title in pinyin: ye3 qiao1 gao1 fei1 (1983)
27. Title not available (1982)
28. Title not available (1982)
29. Title not available ()

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