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Chinese Movie Database 

Lydia SHAM

Shen Dianxia


Lydia SHAM Lydia SHAM
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Total 80 records


1. You Are Wonderful (1976)


1. Happy Together (1997)
2. Title in pinyin: jian3 fei2 lu:3 xing2 tuan2 (1996)
3. Just Married (1995)
4. Laughter of the Water Margins (1993)
5. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Father (1993)
6. It's a Mad Mad Mad World Too (1992)
7. The Banquet (1991)
8. City Squeeze (1989)
9. It's a Mad Mad World III (1989)
10. Lost Souls (1989)
11. King of Stanley Market (1988)
12. Faithfully Yours (1988)
13. Mother vs. Mother (1988)
14. It's a Mad Mad World II (1988)
15. Double Fattiness (1988)
16. Mr. Handsome (1987)
17. It's a Mad Mad World (1987)
18. Drunken Tai Chi (1984)
19. TV Series The Misadventure of Zoo (1981)
20. TV Series I'm A Woman (1979)
21. Fame of Chess (1977)
22. Country Man and the Scavenger (1976)
23. You Are Wonderful (1976)
24. Oriental Playgirls (1976)
25. Money Money Money (1975)
26. Sup Sap Bup Dup (1975)
27. Tenants of Talkative Street (1974)
28. My Darling Slave (1974)
29. Lovable Mr. Able (1974)
30. The Country Bumpkin In Style (1974)
31. Desire (1974)
32. Wild as the Waves (1974)
33. The House of 72 Tenants (1973)
34. The Fascinating Group (1971)
35. A Stomach of Crazy Tricks (1970)
36. King of Swindlers (1970)
37. Convivial Trio (1970)
38. Happy Time (1970)
39. Lucky Seven Strike Again (1970)
40. Happy Times (1970)
41. The Fairy of Kengfa (1970)
42. Triangular Round Bed (1970)
43. The Mad Bar (1970)
44. Secret Agent No.1 (1970)
45. Little Warrior, The (1969)
46. Teddy Girls (1969)
47. Girls Are Flowers (1969)
48. Title in pinyin: wang2 lao3 wu3 de5 ri4 ji4 (1969)
49. Title in pinyin: cha1 li4 zhuo1 mao1 ji4 (1969)
50. Moments of Glorious Beauty (1969)
51. A Big Mess (1969)
52. Wise Wives and Foolish Husbands (1969)
53. One Day at a Time (1969)
54. Social Characters (1969)
55. We All Enjoy Ourselves Tonight (1968)
56. Title in pinyin: mei2 lan2 ju2 zhu2 (1968)
57. Happy Years (1968)
58. Title in pinyin: hua1 yang4 de5 nian2 hua2 (1968)
59. Happy Years (1968)
60. Won't You Give Me a Kiss? (1968)
61. Three Young Girls (1968)
62. A Mad Rush into Love (1968)
63. A Blundering Dectective and a Foolish Thief (1968)
64. Rhapsody (1968)
65. A Nutty World (1968)
66. Rhapsody (1968)
67. Title in pinyin: yu4 nu:3 xin1 (1968)
68. Unforgetable First Love (1967)
69. Broadcast Queen (1967)
70. Happy Years (1967)
71. The Iron Lady Against the One-eyed Dragon (1967)
72. Title in pinyin: yu4 mian4 nu:3 sha1 xing1 (1967)
73. A Girl's Secret (1967)
74. Waste Not Our Youth (1967)
75. The Sweetest Moment (1967)
76. the Factory aka Three Women in a (1967)
77. Every Girl a Romantic Dreamer (1967)
78. Liang San Poh and Chu Ing Tai (1964)
79. Dream of the Red Chamber (1962)

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