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Chinese Movie Database 

Shi Ying

Shi Ying


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Total 33 records


1. A Way We Go (2001)
2. Title in pinyin: jin3 ma3 da4 bing1 (1990)
3. Title not available (1982)
4. Title not available (1982)
5. Title in pinyin: jin1 fen2 you2 long2 (1982)
6. Title not available (1982)
7. Cheerful Wind (1981)
8. Title not available (1975)
9. Title not available (1972)
10. Title not available (1972)
11. Title not available (1970)
12. Title not available (1970)
13. Title not available (1969)
14. Title not available (1969)
15. Title not available (1969)
16. Title in pinyin: wei1 xian3 de qing1 chun1 (1969)
17. Title not available (1969)
18. Title in pinyin: lei4 de xiao3 hua1 (1969)
19. Title not available (1969)
20. Title not available (1968)
21. Title not available (1968)
22. Title not available (1968)
23. Title not available (1966)
24. Lady With the Lute (1963)
25. The Birth of the Monkey King (1962)
26. The Road to the West (1962)
27. Black Gold (1959)
28. The Blessed Family (1958)
29. Where Is My Bride? (1958)
30. Springtime in Paradise (1957)
31. Till We Meet Again (1956)
32. Beyond the Blue Horizon (1956)
33. Forever Goodbye (1955)

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