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Chinese Movie Database 

Wang Chen3

Wang Chen3


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Total 23 records


1. The Seven Coffins (1975)
2. Please Sir, We're Sorry! (1972)
3. The Homemaker (1970)
4. The Lucky Ones (1970)
5. An Apple a Day (1970)
6. Dial for Murder (1970)
7. Forbidden Killing (1970)
8. Persian Cat (1968)
9. Passion (1967)
10. Woman in Danger (1967)
11. Isle of Gold (1967)
12. Title not available (1964)
13. Title not available (1962)
14. Title in pinyin: jun1 zi3 xie2 ding4 (1961)
15. So Many Women, So Little Time (1960)
16. Title not available (1959)
17. Love Story of Uncivilised Girls (1958)
18. Title not available (1957)
19. Title in pinyin: qing1 bao4 ban4 zi3 (1957)
20. Remote Love (1956)
21. Princess of Sun Moon Lake (1956)
22. Title in pinyin: mei2 gang3 chun1 hui2 (1955)
23. Title in pinyin: qi2 lu4 (1955)

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