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Chinese Movie Database 

Wu Qilong

Wu Qilong


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Total 27 records


1. Ticket (2008)
2. A Battle of Wits (2006)
3. TV Series Hero on the Silkroad (2004)
4. TV Series The Eleventh Son (2002)
5. Title in pinyin: bai3 fen1 bai3 ai4 ni3 (2002)
6. Title in pinyin: chu1 lian4 de5 gu4 shi (2001)
7. Never Say Goodbye (2001)......Man
8. TV Series At the Threshold of an Era II (2000)
9. Title in pinyin: " yuan2 " , miao4 bu2 ke3 yan2 (1999)
10. A Tale of Rascal (1999)
11. My Heart Will Go On (1999)
12. TV Series At the Threshold of an Era I (1999 - 2000)
13. Title in pinyin: hao3 hai2 zi3 (1999)
14. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 dao3 zhi1 heng2 hang2 ba4 dao4 (1997)
15. Title in pinyin: sheng1 ri4 duo1 lian4 shi4 (1997)
16. Title in pinyin: tian1 sheng1 jue2 pei4 (1997)
17. A Chinese Ghost Story (1997) [Voice]
18. Forever Friends (1996)
19. Title in pinyin: wan2 pi2 zha2 dan4 (1996)
20. Thunder Cop (1996)
21. Title in pinyin: gou3 dan4 da4 bing1 (1996)
22. Title in pinyin: tao2 xue2 zhan4 jing3 (1995)
23. Remember M, Remember E (1995)
24. Love in the Time of Twilight (1995)
25. Lovers, The (1994)
26. In Between (1994)
27. To Miss with Love (1992)

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