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Chinese Movie Database 

Alfred CHEUNG Kin-Ting

Zhang Jianting


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Total 89 records


1. Crossed Lines (2007)
2. Contract Lover (2007)
3. Group, The (1998)
4. The Extra (1998)
5. All's Well End's Well 97 (1997)
6. Bodyguard of Last Governor (1996)
7. Green Hat (1995)
8. Title in pinyin: tou1 qing2 you2 xi4 (1995)
9. Her Fatal Ways IV (1994)
10. Her Tatal Ways III (1992)
11. Talk to Me, Dicky (1992)
12. The Banquet (1991)
13. Her Fatal Ways II (1991)
14. Her Fatal Ways (1990)
15. Queen's Bench III (1990)
16. On The Run (1988)
17. Paper Marriage (1988)
18. To Err Is Humane (1987)
19. The Strange Bedfellow (1986)
20. Let's Make Laugh II (1985)
21. Family Light Affair (1984)
22. Let's Make Laugh (1983)
23. Monkey Business (1982)


1. Echoes of the Rainbow (2010)
2. Frozen (2010)
3. The Two Individual Package Women (2003)
4. The Accidental Spy (2001)
5. Master Q 2001 (2001)
6. Lost Romance (1999)
7. Group, The (1998)
8. The Extra (1998)
9. Hong Kong Graffiti (1997)
10. Growing Up (1996)
11. All of a Sudden (1996)
12. A Queer Story (1996)
13. Title in pinyin: tou1 qing2 you2 xi4 (1995)
14. Green Hat (1995)
15. Her Fatal Ways IV (1994)
16. Devil's Box, The (1994)
17. Lamb Killer (1993)
18. It's Now or Never (1992)
19. My Americanize Wife (1992)
20. Truant Heroes (1992)
21. Changing Partners (1992)
22. Summer Lovers (1992)
23. Hero of the Beggars (1992)
24. Her Tatal Ways III (1992)
25. Her Fatal Ways II (1991)
26. Dance with the Dragon (1991)
27. Queen's Bench III (1990)
28. Till Death Shall We Start (1990)
29. Her Fatal Ways (1990)
30. In Between Loves (1989)
31. Paper Marriage (1988)......Peter
32. Spooky (1988)
33. Story of Rose, The (1986)
34. Carry On Doctors And Nurses (1985)
35. Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)
36. Playboy Doctor (1984)
37. Mr. Virgin (1984)


1. The Medallion (2003) [non-Chinese]
2. The Extra (1998)
3. Green Hat (1995)
4. Retribution Sight Unseen (1993)
5. Talk to Me, Dicky (1992)
6. Freedom Run Q (1992)
7. Queen's Bench III (1990)


1. Contract Lover (2007)
2. Group, The (1998)
3. Bodyguard of Last Governor (1996)
4. Title in pinyin: tou1 qing2 you2 xi4 (1995)
5. Green Hat (1995)
6. Freedom Run Q (1992)
7. Talk to Me, Dicky (1992)
8. Queen's Bench III (1990)
9. One Husband Too Many (1988)
10. On The Run (1988)
11. To Err Is Humane (1987)
12. The Strange Bedfellow (1986)
13. Let's Have A Baby (1985)
14. Let's Make Laugh II (1985)
15. Carry On Doctors And Nurses (1985)
16. Family Light Affair (1984)
17. Mr. Virgin (1984)
18. Let's Make Laugh (1983)
19. The Story of Woo Viet (1981)
20. Father and Son (1981)
21. The Saviour (1980)


1. Green Hat (1995)

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