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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhang Yongxiang

Zhang Yongxiang


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Total 34 records


1. Title in pinyin: jin1 men2 nu:3 bing1 (1983)
2. The Wheel of Life (1983)
3. Pink Thief (1982)
4. Title in pinyin: long2 de5 chuan2 ren2 (1981)
5. Title in pinyin: zhong1 guo2 nu:3 bing1 (1981)
6. Title in pinyin: yi1 dui4 sha3 diao3 (1980)
7. The Pioneers (1980)
8. Story of a Small Town (1979)
9. Title in pinyin: zhai1 xing1 (1979)
10. He Never Gives Up (1978)
11. The Spring Lake (1978)
12. Title in pinyin: ai4 de5 zei2 chuan2 (1977)
13. The Naval Commandos (1977)
14. Posterity and Perplexity (1976)
15. The Autumn Love Song (1976)
16. Title in pinyin: wo3 shi4 yi1 sha1 ou1 (1976)
17. Cloud of Romance (1976)
18. Land of the Undaunted (1975)
19. Title in pinyin: yi1 lian2 you1 meng4 (1974)
20. Where the Seagull Flies (1974)
21. Ghost of the Mirror (1974)
22. Rhythm of The Wave (1974)
23. Yellow-Faced Tiger (1974)
24. Title in pinyin: cai3 yun2 fei1 (1973)
25. The Heart with Million Knots (1973)
26. Four Moods (1970)
27. Home Sweet Home (1970)
28. Storm Over the Yangtse River (1969)
29. Title in pinyin: di4 liu4 ge4 meng4 (1968)
30. Title in pinyin: chen2 wu4 (1968)
31. Title in pinyin: ri4 chu1, ri4 la4 (1967)
32. Lonely Seventeen (1967)
33. Orchids and My Love (1966)
34. Beautiful Duckling (1965)

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