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Chinese Movie Database 


Zhou Xun


Rating: Attractiveness
5.23/13 voted Top rated
Rating: Talent
6.91/11 voted Top rated
I haven't voted yet I haven't voted yet
Total 30 records


1. The Silent War (2012)
2. Title in pinyin: da4 mo2 shu4 shi1 (2011) [Planning]
3. Beginning of the Great Revival (2011)
4. Confucius (2010)
5. True Legend (2010)
6. Title in pinyin: long2 men2 fei1 jia3 (2010) [In Production]
7. The Message (2009)
8. All About Women (2008)
9. The Equation of Love and Death (2008)
10. Painted Skin (2008)
11. Title in pinyin: san1 guo2 yan3 yi4 zhi1 hong2 mei2 gui4 yu3 mei2 gui4 (2007) [Planning]
12. Night Banquet (2006)
13. Ming Ming (2006)......Ming Ming/Nana
14. Perhaps Love (2005)
15. Baobe in Love (2004)......Baobe
16. TV Series The Legend of Arching Hero (2003)......Huang Rong
17. TV Series Symphony of Rain (2003)
18. A Pinwheel Without Wind (2002)
19. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (2001)
20. Hollywood Hong Kong (2001)
21. TV Series Sky Lover (2001)
22. Title in pinyin: na1 shi2 hua1 kai1 (2000)
23. Beijing Bicycle (2000)
24. TV Series April Rhapsody (2000)
25. Suzhou River (2000)
26. The Emperor and the Assasin (1998)
27. Temptress Moon (1996)
28. A Spoiled Young Wife Goes to Earn a Living (1996)
29. Mainden Rosé (1995)
30. Inside an Old Grave (1991)

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