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电影专题 :: 电影片种类型和题材 ::题材 : 《红楼梦》

题材 : 《红楼梦》 (题材 索引)

Known as A Dream of the Red Mansion (红楼梦), or A Dream of the Red Chamber, or The Story of the Stone (石头记), Cai Xueqin's (曹雪芹) novel has been adapted many times. Considered to be one of the masterpieces fiction, this novel tells stories in extended Jia family.
共找到 18 项记录

1. 红楼梦第三集 (1989)
2. 红楼梦第四集 (1989)
3. 红楼梦第五集 (1989)
4. 红楼梦第六集 (1989)
5. 红楼梦第一集 (1988)
6. 红楼梦第二集 (1988)
7. 电视连续剧 红楼梦 (1987)
8. 红楼春上春 (1978)
9. 新红楼梦 (1978)
10. 红楼春梦 (1977)
11. 金玉良缘红楼梦 (1977)
12. 红楼梦 (1962)
13. 红楼梦 (1962)
14. 十二金钗戏状元 (红伶歌唱大集会) (1959)
15. 新红楼梦 (1952)
16. 宝玉忆晴雯 (1949)
17. 红楼梦 (1944)
18. 红楼梦 (1927)

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