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Chinese Movie Database 

Bai Jingrui

Bai Jingrui


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Total 29 records


1. Forbidden Imperial Tales (1990)
2. Title in pinyin: ri4 nei4 wa3 de huang2 hun1 (1986)
3. Title not available (1985)
4. The Wheel of Life (1983)
5. Title in pinyin: nu4 fan4 tian1 tiao2 (1981)
6. The Coldest Winter in Peking (1980)
7. Title in pinyin: yi1 dui4 sha3 diao3 (1980)
8. Title in pinyin: zhai1 xing1 (1979)
9. Title in pinyin: sha1 tan1 shang3 de5 yue4 liang4 (1978)
10. Title not available (1978)
11. Like Home (1977)
12. Title in pinyin: bu2 yao1 zai4 jie1 shang3 wen3 wo3 (1977)
13. Title in pinyin: ren2 zai4 tian1 ya2 (1977)
14. The Autumn Love Song (1976)
15. Title not available (1976)
16. Girl Friend (1975)
17. Title in pinyin: wo3 fu4 wo3 fu1 wo3 zi3 (1974)
18. Title in pinyin: yi1 lian2 you1 meng4 (1974)
19. Title not available (1972)
20. Title not available (1971)
21. Home Sweet Home (1970)
22. Four Moods (1970)
23. Title not available (1969)
24. Title in pinyin: di4 liu4 ge4 meng4 (1968)
25. Lonely Seventeen (1967)


1. Title in pinyin: bu2 yao1 zai4 jie1 shang3 wen3 wo3 (1977)


1. The Heart with Million Knots (1973)


1. My American Grandson (1991)......Appointed Director
2. Orchids and My Love (1966)......Advisor

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