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Chinese Movie Database 

Cai Lan

Cai Lan


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Total 27 records


1. Sexual File (1992)


1. Extreme Crisis (1998)
2. Mr. Nice Guy (1997)
3. Thunderbolt (1995)
4. Our Neighbour Detective (1995)
5. The Christ of Nanjing (1995)
6. Spirit of Love (1993)
7. Girls Unbutton (1993)
8. The 1000 Years Cat (1992)
9. Inspector Pink Dragon (1991)
10. Dr Vampire (1990)
11. Saga of the Phoenix (1990)
12. Peacock King, The (1989)
13. One Eyebrow Priest (1989)
14. Couples, Couples, Couples (1988)
15. Chaos by Design (1988)
16. Her Vengeance (1988)
17. Profiles Of Pleasure (1988)
18. Killer is Nocture (1987)
19. Born To Gamble (1987)
20. Cherry Blossoms (1987)
21. First Mission, The (1985)


1. Oily Maniac (1976)


1. The Imp (1996)
2. Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994)
3. Story of Ricky (1992)
4. Erotic Ghost Story (1990)

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