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Chinese Movie Database 

Paulin CHAN Po-Lin

Chen Baolian


Paulin CHAN Po-Lin Paulin CHAN Po-Lin
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Total 28 records


1. Paramount Motel (2000)
2. Hunting Evil Spirit (1999)
3. Passionate Nights (1997)
4. Young Generatoin (1997)
5. Title in pinyin: lan2 gui4 fang1 qi1 gong1 zhu3 (1997)
6. Boys? (1996)
7. The Eighth (1996)
8. Hong Kong Showgirls (1996)
9. Title in pinyin: ye4 ye4 feng1 kuang2 (1996)
10. A Sudden Love (1995)......Pauline
11. Love is Over (1993)
12. Title in pinyin: shi2 da4 qiang1 ji1 yao4 fan4 zhi1 sha1 sheng1 zhuang4 yuan2 (1993)
13. Sex For Sale (1993)
14. Run for Life Lady from China (1993)
15. Title not available (1993)
16. Slave of the Sword (1993)
17. Flying Dagger (1993)
18. A Wild Party (1993)
19. Whores from the North (1993)
20. A Man of Nasty Spirit (1993)
21. Erotic Ghost Story III (1992)
22. Devil of Rape (1992)
23. Girls Without Tomorrow 1992 (1992)
24. Mainland Dundee (1992)
25. Behind of the Pink Door (1992)
26. Escape from Brothel (1992)
27. Queen of the Underworld (1991)
28. Title not available ()

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