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Chinese Movie Database 

Chen Peihua

Chen Peihua


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Total 35 records


1. Ashes of Time (1994)
2. ChungKing Express (1994)
3. The Moon Warriors (1992)
4. Saviour of the Soul II (1992)
5. Game Kids (1991)
6. Saviour of the Soul (1991)
7. Her Fatal Ways (1990)
8. Queen's Bench III (1990)
9. Demon (1990)
10. Burning Sensation (1989)
11. Mr. Vampire Saga Four (1988)

Production Manager

1. Bury Me high (1991)
2. Pedicab Driver (1989)
3. The Blonde Fury (1989)
4. In the Blood (1988)
5. Spooky (1988)
6. One Husband Too Many (1988)
7. On The Run (1988)
8. To Err Is Humane (1987)
9. My Cousin The Ghost (1987)
10. Mr. Vampire Part 3 (1987)
11. The Final Test (1987)
12. Scared Stiff (1987)
13. Sworn Brothers (1987)
14. Happy Bigamist (1987)
15. Righting Wrongs (1986)
16. Three Against the World (1986)
17. The Strange Bedfellow (1986)
18. Mr. Vampire Part 2 (1986)
19. Those Merry Souls (1985)
20. Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)
21. Project A (1984)
22. The Champions (1983)
23. Two Toothless Tigers (1980)

Associate Producer

1. The Soong Sisters (1997)

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