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Chinese Movie Database 

Chen Qiang (1)

Chen Qiang (1)

陈强 (1)/陳強 (1)

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Total 30 records


1. Title in pinyin: jiu3 jiu3 yan4 yang2 tian1 (1999)
2. Make a Bomb (1993)
3. Father and Son's Car (1990)
4. The Silly Manager (1988)
5. A Bit (1987)
6. Erzi Runs an Inn (1987)
7. Earn Money with "Suona" (1987)
8. Father and Son (1986)
9. Title in pinyin: sheng1 cai2 you3 dao4 (1984)
10. Title in pinyin: xi1 zhao4 jie1 (1983)
11. The Sea is Calling (1982)
12. Title in pinyin: kong3 qiao1 gong1 zhu3 (1982)
13. What A Family (1979)
14. The Great River Flows On (1978)
15. Title in pinyin: da4 he2 ben1 liu2 xia4 ji2 (1978)
16. Title in pinyin: hai3 shang4 ming2 zhu1 (1976)
17. Haixia (1975)
18. Title not available (1974)
19. Title not available (1973)
20. Title not available (1973)
21. Title in pinyin: mo2 shu4 shi1 de ji1 yu4 (1962)
22. The Red Detachment of Women (1961)
23. Title in pinyin: chun1 nuan3 hua1 kai (1960)
24. Title in pinyin: san1 nian2 zao3 zhi1 dao (1958)
25. Title in pinyin: hong2 ling3 jin1 de5 gu4 shi (1958)
26. Title in pinyin: hua4 zhong1 ren (1958)
27. Title in pinyin: jie1 hun (1953)
28. White-Haired Girl (1950)
29. Bridge (1949)
30. Title in pinyin: liu2 xia4 ta1 da2 lao3 jiang (1947)

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