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Chinese Movie Database 

Cui Wei (2)

Cui Wei (2)


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Total 27 records


1. A Penny for a Song (1952)


1. The Princess and the 7 Little Heroes (1962)
2. Come Home aka Three Groom for (1962)
3. Third Master Sha and His Charming Maid (1961)
4. Loved by Ten Women (1948)
5. The Outstanding One (1948)
6. Twelve Beauties Mansion (1948)
7. Unpredictable Tomorrow (1947)

Production Manager

1. The Spy (1963)
2. Midnight Terror (1962)
3. Ten Years of Marriage (1952)
4. A Comet of Laughter Lands on Earth (1952)
5. Flirting with a Pretty Maid in the Wineshop (1952)
6. Lovely Dweller of Enchanting Tower (1952)
7. The Enchantress (1952)
8. New Red House by the Sea (1952)
9. Sweet Love Lingers On (1952)
10. New Golden Leaf Chrysanthemum (1952)
11. The Chilly Peach Field (1951)
12. Love's Captive (1951)
13. The Merry Lovers (1951)
14. This Glamorous Life (1951)
15. A Loving Father (1951)
16. Sad Song of an Orphan Girl (1950)
17. The Children Who Broke Their Mother's Heart (1950)
18. Morning Sun (1950)
19. Tides of Jealousy (1950)

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