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Chinese Movie Database 

Leon DAI

Dai Liren


Leon DAI Leon DAI
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Total 31 records


1. No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti (2008)
2. Title in pinyin: liang3 ge4 xia4 tian1 (2002)
3. Twenty Something (2002)


1. Control (2013)
2. The Deadly Strands (2013)
3. Soul (2013)
4. The Fourth Portrait (2010)
5. Reign of Assassins (2010)
6. Parking (2008)
7. Blue Cha-Cha (2006)
8. TV Series The Hospital (2006)......Qiu Qing Cheng
9. The Passage (2004)
10. Title in pinyin: meng4 huan4 bu4 luo4 (2002)
11. Title in pinyin: lu3 bin1 xun4 piao1 liu2 ji4 (2002)
12. Double Vision (2002)
13. B.T.S. (Better Than Sex) (2001)
14. Betelnut Beauty (2001)
15. Title in pinyin: kui2 lei4 tian1 shi3 (2001)
16. A One and a Two (2000)
17. Hidden Whisper (1999)
18. Tempting Heart (1999)
19. A Chance To Die (1999)
20. March of Happiness (1999)
21. Fleeing by Night (1999)
22. Blue Moon (1997)
23. Sweet Degeneration (1997)
24. The Stone On the Corner (1996)
25. Title in pinyin: san1 shi2 er2 li4 (1996)
26. The Red Lotus Society (1994)
27. Title in pinyin: huang2 jin1 dao4 tian2 (1992)


1. Title in pinyin: liang3 ge4 xia4 tian1 (2002)

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