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Chinese Movie Database 

Christopher DOYLE

Du Kefeng


Rating: Attractiveness
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Rating: Talent
6.71/7 voted Top rated
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Total 31 records


1. Away With Words (1999)


1. McDull the Alumni (2005)
2. Comrades, Almost A Love Story (1996)

Director of Cinematography

1. Love For Life (2011)
2. Ashes of Time Redux (2008)
3. Invisible Waves (2006) [non-Chinese]
4. 2046 (2004)
5. Three...Extremes: Dumplings (2004)
6. Three (2002)
7. Hero (2002)
8. In the Mood for Love (2000)
9. First Love the Litter on the Breeze (1997)
10. Happy Together (1997)
11. Temptress Moon (1996)
12. Yang & Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema (1996)
13. 4 Faces of Eve (1996)
14. Fallen Angels (1995)
15. The Peony Pavilion (1995)
16. ChungKing Express (1994)
17. Red Rose White Rose (1994)
18. Ashes of Time (1994)
19. The Red Lotus Society (1994)
20. Beijing Bastards (1993)
21. Siqin Gaowa Special (1993)
22. The Peach Blossom Land (1992)
23. Mary from Beijing (1992)
24. Days of Being Wild (1991)
25. Burning Snow (1988)
26. Soul (1986)
27. Title in pinyin: a1 fu2 de li3 wu4 (1984)
28. That Day, on the Beach (1983)

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