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Chinese Movie Database 

Fang Ping

Fang Ping


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Total 40 records


1. Xiu Xiu (1995)
2. Forsaken Cop (1990)


1. My Name is Fame (2006) [Cameo]
2. Heavenly Mission (2006)
3. The Wedding Days (1997)
4. Lost and Found (1996)
5. Because of Lies (1995)
6. Days of Tomorrow (1993)
7. It's a Mad Mad Mad World Too (1992)
8. The Sting (1992)
9. Love With The Ghost In Lushan (1984)
10. Here Comes Fortune (1981)
11. The Spy In the Palace (1981)
12. White Haired Devil Lady (1980)
13. The Reporter (1979)
14. Boyfriend (1979)
15. The Almighty Extra (1979)
16. Young and Lovable (1978)
17. Romance on the Bus (1978)
18. A Family in Thousands (1975)
19. Inside the Football Circle (1974)
20. Three Seventeens (1972)
21. Adventure in Paradise (1970)
22. Title not available (1961)
23. Red Scarf, The Flying Heroine (1961)
24. Title not available (1959)


1. Mr. Cinema (2007)
2. My Name is Fame (2006)
3. Heavenly Mission (2006)
4. Drink Drank Drunk (2005)
5. Driving Miss Wealthy (2004)
6. Lost in Time (2003)
7. Devil Touch (2002)
8. The Teacher without Chalk (2000)
9. Rumble Ages (1998)
10. Casino (1998)
11. Made in Heaven (1997)
12. Xiu Xiu (1995)
13. Dragon Fight (1988)


1. The Five Heroes' Deadly Spears (1951)

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