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Chinese Movie Database 

Gu Long

Gu Long


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Total 23 records


1. Title in pinyin: chu3 liu2 xiang1 chuan2 qi2 (1980)


1. Title in pinyin: wang2 quan2 (1977)

Based On

1. TV Series The Tearful Sword (2007)......Novel
2. TV Series Big Shot (2007)......Novel
3. TV Series The Handsome Siblings (2005)
4. TV Series The Eleventh Son (2002)
5. TV Series Legend of Dagger Lee (1999)......Novel
6. A Warrior's Tragedy (1993)
7. Handsome Siblings (1992)
8. Title in pinyin: chu3 liu2 xiang1 chuan2 qi2 (1980)
9. Clans of Intrigue (1977)


1. Night Orchid (1983)
2. The Denouncement of Chu Liu Hsiang (1982)
3. Title in pinyin: jian4 shen2 yi1 xiao4 (1981)
4. Title in pinyin: chu3 liu2 xiang1 chuan2 qi2 (1980)
5. Title in pinyin: bi4 xue3 xi3 yin2 qiang1 (1980)
6. Title in pinyin: yue4 ye4 zhan3 (1980)
7. Title in pinyin: chu3 liu2 xiang1 yu3 hu2 tie3 hua1 (1980)
8. Title in pinyin: jian4 qi4 xiao1 xiao1 kong3 que4 ling2 (1980)
9. Title in pinyin: duo1 qing2 shuang1 bao3 huan2 (1979)
10. Magnificent Bodyguard (1978)
11. The Legendary Strike (1978)

Production Manager

1. Title in pinyin: jian4 shen2 yi1 xiao4 (1981)

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