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Chinese Movie Database 

Hu Xiaofeng

Hu Xiaofeng


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Total 46 records


1. A Lady from Shanghai (1982)
2. Romance In China (1980)
3. Young and Lovable (1978)
4. Pound of Flesh (1976)
5. A Family in Thousands (1975)
6. The Hawk of the Yis (1973)
7. It's Ah Lan's Holiday (1973)
8. The Hut on Hilltop (1970)
9. My Home But Not Sweet (1969)
10. Stormy Pearls (1968)
11. Spring Thunder (1967)
12. Flying Dragon Heroes (1967)
13. Scarlet Shadow (1966)
14. Unexpected Promotions (1966)
15. Gold Diggers (1965)
16. My Darling Princess (1964)
17. Gentleman Who Steals (1963)
18. Red Bat Apartment (1962)
19. The Unseparated (1961)
20. Seventeen (1960)
21. The Bride Hunter (1960)
22. One Million for Me (1959)
23. Bachelor's Son (1959)
24. Flowers and Cheers (1959)
25. The Young Heiress (1959)
26. A Seaside Village (1959)
27. Those Bewitching Eyes (1958)
28. The Brigands (1957)
29. Folk Arts (1957)
30. The Arts of Chinese Folk Arts (1956)
31. Sunrise (1956)
32. Diamond Thief (1955)
33. Loves of the Youngsters (1955)
34. Ode to Youth (1953)


1. Till We Meet Again (1954)
2. Blossoms in the Heart (1952)
3. Orioles Banished from the Flowers (1948)


1. A Lady from Shanghai (1982)
2. Romance In China (1980)
3. Young and Lovable (1978)
4. Pound of Flesh (1976)
5. It's Ah Lan's Holiday (1973)
6. The Hut on Hilltop (1970)
7. The Unseparated (1961)
8. Sunrise (1956)
9. Loves of the Youngsters (1955)

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