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Chinese Movie Database 

Ally WONG Ka-Fai

Huang Jiahui


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Total 43 records


1. Clueless (2001)
2. The Final Winner (2001)
3. When A Man Loves A Woman (2000)
4. To Where He Belongs (2000)
5. Fourteen Days Before Suicide (1999)
6. Wipe Out (1998)
7. Take Five (1998)


1. Ordinary Heroes (1999)

Director of Cinematography

1. PTU File: Death Trap (2005)
2. To Seduce On Enemy (2003)
3. My Secret Private virgin (2003)
4. Devil Killer (2003)
5. Sexual Exchange (2003)
6. A Dark Side of My Mind (2003)
7. Miss You Much (2003)
8. Football Gambling (2003)
9. Enjokosai Angel (2003)
10. Foolish 23? (2003)
11. Devil Face, Angel Heart (2002)
12. Haunted Office (2002)
13. Mongkok Teenage (2002)
14. Hong Kong History Y (2001)
15. Hong Kong History X (2000)
16. Fourteen Days Before Suicide (1999)
17. Hong Kong Spice Gals (1999)
18. Wan Chai Empress (1999)
19. The Doctor in Spite of Himself (1999)
20. Second IMP (1999)
21. A Lamb in Despair (1999)
22. A Wicked Ghost (1999)
23. Ungrateful Tink (1999)
24. Ximp (1999)
25. Ballistic Kiss (1998)
26. Take Five (1998)
27. Top Borrower (1997)
28. Happy Together (1997)
29. Title in pinyin: ye4 ban4 san1 dian3 zhong1 (1997)
30. Killer Has No Return, The (1996)
31. Legend of the Wolf (1996)
32. Mystery Files (1996)
33. Obsession (1993)
34. Pink Bomb (1993)
35. The Eight Hilarious Gods (1993)

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