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Chinese Movie Database 

Huang Jie (2)

Huang Jie (2)


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Total 43 records


1. The Ill-Fated Flower (1958)
2. The Scissors (1958)
3. Twin Jaded Fish (1958)
4. Double Happiness (1958)


1. The Scissors (1958)
2. Twin Jaded Fish (1958)
3. The Divorce of Chu Mai-sen (1949)
4. The Desperate Man's Jump to Death (1948)
5. Initimate Lovers (1947)


1. Tonight the Moon is Full (1941)

Director of Cinematography

1. She's so Brave! (1967)
2. Devil's Love (1964)
3. The Desperate Man's Jump to Death (1948)
4. Hot Tempered Leung's Adventure in Hong Kong (1947)
5. Where is the Lady's Home? (1947)
6. The Wanton Empress (1940)
7. General (1939)
8. The Magnificent Ones (1938)
9. Man of All Evil (1937)

Production Manager

1. She's so Brave! (1967)
2. Double Relation (1966)
3. Intimate Neighbours (1966)
4. Madam Mystery (1966)
5. Golden Butterfly, the Lady Thief aka Golden Butterfly (1965)
6. Zhang Ailan and the Mafia aka The Secret Code (1965)
7. aka My Dearest Wife (1965)
8. Battle of the Sexes (1959)
9. Fong Sai-yuk's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong (1958)
10. Fong Sai-yuk Attacks Emperor Qianlong in Fury (1958)
11. Black Cat, the Cat Burglar (1956)
12. Suitors for the King's Sister (1956)
13. Heartbreak Bridge (1956)
14. Bitter Kisses (1955)
15. The Golden-Thread Butterfly (1955)
16. Village Girl (1955)
17. Li Sanniang (Remake) (1955)
18. Tragedy of Divorce (1954)
19. Daughter of a Humble House (1952)
20. I Want to be Famous (1951)
21. Five Sisters (1951)
22. A Dream of Silken Fineries (1950)
23. Blood, Rouge, and Tears (1950)
24. Golden Turtle from Hell (1949)

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