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Chinese Movie Database 

Huang Shaofen

Huang Shaofen


Huang Shaofen Huang Shaofen
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Total 29 records

Director of Cinematography

1. Title in pinyin: ku1 mu4 feng2 chun1 (1961)
2. Nieh Erh (1959)
3. Lin Zexu and the Opium War (1958)
4. Girl Basketball Player No. 5 (1957)
5. Title in pinyin: wei3 da4 de5 qi3 dian3 (1954)
6. Title in pinyin: ai1 le4 zhong1 nian2 (1949)
7. Long Live the Wife (1947)
8. Night Inn (1947)
9. Title in pinyin: liang2 xiao1 hua1 nong4 yue4 (1943)
10. Title in pinyin: xin1 zi3 mei4 hua1 (1941)
11. Family (1941)
12. Title in pinyin: qin2 liang2 yu4 (1940)
13. Title in pinyin: yun2 shang4 xian3 zi3 (1939)
14. Title in pinyin: bai2 she2 zhuan4 (1939)
15. The Sable Cicada (1938)
16. Rouge Tears (1938)
17. Rouge Tears (1938)
18. Title in pinyin: qi3 gai4 qian1 jin1 (1938)
19. Murder in the Oratory (1937)
20. On Stage and Backstage (1937)
21. Farewell, Flowers (1936)
22. Title in pinyin: han2 jiang1 luo4 yan4 (1935)
23. Song of China (1935)
24. Title in pinyin: bao4 yu3 li2 hua1 (1934)
25. Title in pinyin: mu3 xing4 zhi1 guang1 (1933)
26. Love and Duty (1931)
27. The Peach Girl (1931)
28. Title in pinyin: zi4 sha1 he2 tong2 (1930)
29. Wild Flowers by the Road (1930)

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